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Thread: Meridans Provable By Simultaneous (Nerve/Muscle) Excitations?

  1. #1

    Meridans Provable By Simultaneous (Nerve/Muscle) Excitations?

    Have you ever felt little occasional twitches, pricks or tugs in your body (most probably excitations of the muscles / nerves) simultaneously? And were they 'far away' from each other so that it first makes no sense? Still they happened so simultaneously that any coincidence can be discounted.

    I've had this all my life. Scientists or doctors might say these are nerve pathways that emanate from the central or peripheral nervous system (e.g. spinal chord or where they still go together), maybe leaving together from one nerve root or peripheral ganglia activated by surplus energy that later spread out via nerve pathways to different regions and thus send the electricity to these distal body places? (Just speculating). Well maybe, but sometimes they do not really seem to be interrelated at all within the nervous system, e.g. if a spot on the e.g. upper thorax and foot are activated at once, there is actual no relation established, neither by the medulla's or the brain's pathways leading out either.

    So could it be the Meridians, so I'm asking myself? And if so, could this even be a "new" energy work or healing modality I am "inventing" here? Maybe I should get a patent for it? Instead of going to the sore spot(s) directly) you can be stimulating accupuncture points by energy work.

    Recently I tried asking my HS during meditation / energy work to show me which points to activate to indirectly influence another point (not explicitly thinking about acupuncture meridians). I said it should activate the spot for me.

    So e.g. once during meditation I asked on what spot on my body to also activate in order to help heal a shoulder ache on my left (well, not quite, rather near neck and the clavicula, strange spot if you ask me). Immediately then I was 'pricked' at one point in my right lower arm on the inside. It turned out that this point was indeed on a meridian together with the sore spot when I looked it up. So what was I shown here?

    Then I had a similar example for another body problem of mine, when my big toe (no allusion to Tom Campbell meant here ) was 'pricked' in a meditation session when I asked for another problem in my right belly / thorax region. (I assume still it's muscular and comes from wrong way of sitting because that only is when it gets worse - after a while.)

    Today, sitting at my desk, I just had twitches / stitches in three (!) places simultaneously: near the center of my problem (which might be under the liver where the intestines begin or the diaphragma is), then in the inguinal region, and on a spot on my inner lower leg, but still high and a little below the knee's altitude.

    I immediately ran to my Chinese accupuncture book: and eureka! All are spots were on the liver meridian. I might have a problem related to it (btw, it does not necessarily have to do with the hepar by the way, there are thousands of problems/illnesses related to a dysfunctional liver meridian).

    Here's the proof. The (seemingly) simultaneus production tugs / stitches / excitations were the three accupuncture points: LR14 - LR12 - LR7, plus: L1 shown during another meditation after asking for a corresponding spot.

    Btw, when I say "seemingly" simultaneously I mean the way I experience (feel) it. It still could be a very fast shot / ray going down or up the meridian.

    Fascinating. Maybe I'm on to something?

    Anyone else here experienced and/or payed attention (directed one's body awareness) to these simultaneous body excitations? (My advice: Memorise the spots and grab a book on accupunture afterwards! You might be in for surprises.).
    This collector of useless clutter.

  2. #2
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    Re: Meridans Provable By Simultaneous (Nerve/Muscle) Excitations?

    Fascinating thread.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  3. #3

    Re: Meridans Provable By Simultaneous (Nerve/Muscle) Excitations?

    Actually, I've got more experience of this and personal proof (as witness this time) to share. This happened about 1,5 years ago. I've been on a seminar in my complementary healing school about CMT - Collateral Meridian Therapy.

    It's been derived from acupuncture but non-invasive from Korea where they even have clinics with machines and electric pads attached to treat people. The more basic form is still done with accusticks just like this one:

    How it works is more complicated (also to do with yin and yang energies and some more aspects). But to put it simple: you re-direct energy flow by using two sticks (or the modern way: a machine with pads with electrification) from one meridian that is dysfunctional to another meridian to reintegrate the flow through the body and relieve pain syndroms (mostly, but they also treat other illnesses now).

    Unfortunately, I've seen they seem to have stopped all marketing activities in the US and Europe now and solely seem to concentrate on their Asian homeland (JP, CH, Korea). So there is not much to find on it on the web. Here is still an English language site for some information, but there are no updates.

    Here's some scientific testing done that shows that it works:

    So this is what happened and of course in this example with this healing modality there are two different meridians affected (the sick one and the one that it's being directed to):

    We were practicing the technique then in this seminar with accusticks, also our own afflictions, then one lady (another participant) told the seminar leader that she suffered from a shoulder pain.

    The technique was done (by another participant then) on the left lower leg and the shoulder was the right one (!! - far away!!). So there are even contra-lateral connections, depends on the meridian and the pain spot. Mostly however it is also on the same body side. (E.g. you treet the left leg to affect e.g. the left head side (migraine or whatever) or left arm (e.g. carpal tunnel syndrome).

    The moment she was treated on the lower leg (outer shin leg ara) she felt the pain intensifying on her right shoulder - which was said before to be perfectly normal as the pain sometimes indeed intensifies shortly during treatment (it's regarded as a good sign then).

    And guess what? Exactly. After half a minute (it does not take longer to treat) the pain was gone, so she said, or at least it was much better. I can attest to it, this is how it happened.

    So again: lower left leg treated ---> affects ---> right shoulder !!!!

    Cool stuff.

    (ps: I was told by the seminar teacher that in Korea some of the doctors and practicioners go around in the little rural areas and villages where people are poor and cannot afford pain treatments in order to treat the folks there for free with their wooden accusticks. Beautiful story.)
    This collector of useless clutter.

  4. #4

    Re: Meridans Provable By Simultaneous (Nerve/Muscle) Excitations?

    Okay, today yet another one while I was sitting in my armchair: perfectly simultaneous sting in my right foot on the side of the joint for the big toe and from my navel a few centimetres below and to the right. I immediately put my finger on the spot on my belly and ran to my acupuncture atlas book again.

    The foot was without any doubt Sp2 ("Dadu"), and really EXACTLY. The other one could be well be located on Sp14.

    It's the Spleen(-Pancreas-)Meridian.

    Last edited by Sinera; 24th January 2013 at 11:07 AM.
    This collector of useless clutter.

  5. #5

    Re: Meridans Provable By Simultaneous (Nerve/Muscle) Excitations?

    This *is* a very interesting thread. I have had these sensations myself and have wondered about the connection. Next time I will pay more attention and see what I can find out.

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