Quote Originally Posted by eyeoneblack View Post
Sometimes people will 'read' something of it's history. I can't think of the word right now, but holding a possession and reading the character or events of it's owner.

Just getting the gestalt of the object - hard, soft, long, round etc. is helpful and counts as a score.
As I wrote to you in PM after that there has not bean much I have seen...as I wrote to you, I do not if you had picked the object at that time...but when I thought of you and this RV the first thing I saw was a face of a smiling man...then it turned to a laughing Buddha and I got the impression of Shiva...like many arm´s and a protector...I now undertand that feeling must have the pentagram given..because it is a protection sigill....Today when I did try to see I did again see like a arm or a holder with a white round like a ball but transparant like a lightbulb, the arm was like brown or bronze colored.......but it did give me a feeling of keeping a distance....I can´t quite understand the feeling right..but I will continue my babble