I've seen there will be a new workshop in February, and I'm very interested. Has anyone here already followed this and achieved (significant) results?
I've seen there will be a new workshop in February, and I'm very interested. Has anyone here already followed this and achieved (significant) results?
"But I, being poor, have only my dreams. I have spread my dreams under your feet.
Tread softly because you tread on my dreams."
- W. B. Yeats
I had written something up a long time ago, when the program was new, but I couldn't find it. If you're asking about the PAPI, I took it, and got something out of it, even after having done one of Robert's live workshops. I haven't done one lately, due to lack of time, but if anything, I expect they got better with time.
"Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.
I have not taken any workshop, only followed the advices in RB´s book´s and I can tell significant results...so I Believe in RB´s teachings, but do not have the Money to take any PAPI´s or likely.
A new PAPI is starting on February 16th 2013
Robert Bruce
A new Online workshop starts June 15th 2013
See http://www.glidewing.com/gw/gw_hol.html/
Robert Bruce
A friend and I have both signed up for this. It's going to be fun to have someone close by, whom I already know well, for mutual "like mind" support. A third friend, always the gentle skeptic, seems to be planning to watch and follow from a distance, having purchased the JOB CDs and well aware of the two of us taking the course. So we have this coterie of OB-wanna-bepeople for open, non-judgmental sharing.
There's nothing like doing a course with someone you know- you can share stories and compare experiences.
"Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.