I’m here to record what Ive just picked up in the hope that I will push myself back into practicing.

Upstairs now just lying on my bed watching a video by Matias De Stephano on the Gaia channel. He was talking of his memories of past lives and the time he was a woman standing in front of a pyramid and the river Nile......
This had me recalling some posts I’ve written involving similar when I suddenly felt so so tired. Switched video off and closed eyes and must have just dozed off within seconds of closing eyes .
Woke up quickly again seeing a dream image of the back of someone bouncing a football. The ball then goes behind him and bounces and hits him on his back then flys into a goalpost. Just as it enters the net I get the words

“ Now the ball is back in your court.”

I just feel compelled to write this to urge me on as I’m at a crossroad . Spending too much time reading and not enough time practicing. Nothing I read is teaching me anything new, but then again I don’t know what I’m searching for in books.
I want to learn and experience but I’m wasting time reading instead of practicing. Cannot even see auric colours now.

I was quite amused using the ball to hit the person’s back to represent ‘the ball being back ...’

Must do the work!