Thank you, CF Traveller.
I recently decided to give up the development group. It was a great start but I felt it wasn't going in the direction I needed and my OBE's had nothing to do with the development circle. In fact most of the time was spent talking about how we should react to other people ,with others in the group talking of their challenges through the week and how they did or should have reacted.
Even during one meditation on cutting "ties" I couldn't think of anyone I knew that caused me a problem,we were supposed to be thinking of someone who gave us reason to want to deflect their negative energy. I just sat there with my eyes closed thinking "there's no one in my life I don' t want around. I only know lovely people . ( and this was costing me money) , so this site is all I have to keep me on the right track.

Now back to a " Magical Experience"
16th Sept 2012
Through the day had been travelling in car 6pm to an appointment when most people are finishing work.
Car coming in my direction decided to overtake front car meaning he was on my side of road just at the time I was overtaking a cyclist.Near collision, had to act fast -did -but left me very shaky.

Went to bed repeating many times in my mind WHY? WHY? Why couldn't spirit have warned me.?
They warned me previously about a roundabout so why not this?
Woke up to remembering a beautiful dream
I was taken back to a village I used to live in but the colours around we're soft and hazing into each other.we were on the bridge looking down into the river. Someone was with me.The most beautiful sound was around us( I would like to say harp but there was a mixture of sounds so beautiful and got an impression of a large white bird in the sky) I could see other people lining the bridge all looking into the water. They were not solid. Everyone was as the environment was , Shimmering and Translucent.
I looked into the river where everyone else was looking and the water was so clear and undisturbed and clear sand could be seen at the bottom.
Suddenly, MY CAR came travelling fast at the bottom of the river and the boot of the car opens. I remember saying The driver will be drowned. Then someone just "pulled a plug out from the bottom of the river and the water drained away.
The person next to me tells me "we were all calling , even the Queen was calling"
I then got a flash of a white blanked wrapped around me.
The sounds were out of this world, the colours and shimmering translucent environment I've experienced before.
I feel sure I was being told that they tried to warn me but that I was protected.
Took the speeding car in the river as a message I should slow down.( didn't think I was but then Who does?)