Time to get back on track, with a new challenge.
But first ---- coming to an end of a very challenging mental and physical short period in life. Things nearly back to normal in physical so woke up a few days ago to

" try again on Friday at 2"
Yesterday,up at 4am, hospital with hubby by 7am . Back home by 12.30. I was starting work at 3.15pm . By 2 pm hubby suggests I go upstairs to rest for a while. Decided to listen to my binaural beats . Set alarm when I realised it was Friday 2pm.

Dream this morning was to do with characters in dream rushing around and in a tizzy . In the dream I'm telling them to just listen and slow down.
The dream made sense.
Got back to trying to silence mind when I thought? heard? what was like a tiny voice say

" I know a friend who lives in a sky scraper"
" Your challenge is to Listen"
" To be kind"
In this journal AKEO is mentioned over a number of days of writing.
The spinning ship reaching up to me and I feel it's like a sky scraper, mentioned recently.
Recently I've felt I have been encouraged to look into the brow a lot more so being encouraged with listening more I feel sure is to do with my development rather than physical life. Not sure if I should put the binaurals on hold for a while.