I can now put a meaning to the hearse with children inside it posted and perceived yesterday morning.
Last night I got informed by my sister that our Aunt 200 miles away had just died. I didn't even know she had been ill.Although her children were now grown up she has 7 children but gave birth to 8.that would explain the unusual sight of seeing children inside the hearse looking sad.
And I assume the air freshner was addressing the bad feelings that caused arguments between her family and the rest of the family. Things happened that were not nice so my father lost any contact with that side . I was not brought up with them so it had no affect on me,.I just felt it was sad to know my father was dying and he would never see his sister again and she would never see her brother in physical again. When dad died they did not call, send a card nor attend his funeral.

This is my opportunity to practice what I preach.
On this forum I replied to a question suggesting that we could all do with showing respect and if it isn't shown to us we should still show it . Lead by example.
So I shall contact my cousins. I shall send a card because she was my aunt and I believe she was a wonderful mother to her 7 children from the occasional visits we had together and as a child I realy realy liked her. They must be very sad.