Still not the success I'm looking for . Very similar result to last night but I think I know where I went wrong this time.

1st attempt....
11pm ...Bed NEWS fell asleep . Not surprised after last night.
3am....Woke up to the song Old Lang Syne and thought the words ' Let's do it in order this time'.

So 2nd attempt.....went through the order I've read Robert suggests, made conscious effort not to turn over and cool enough not to overheat. Fell asleep.
Woke up to the song Too Much Too Little Too Late To Try Again With You by Johnny Mathis and Denise Williams.
Saw a black cat facing me with a jig saw piece sticking out of its ears but there was no picture to the piece . It was blank. Thought 'No Flowers'.

From this the Johnny Mathis song speaks volumes and the cat. I spent all my waking time raising energy then was too tired and went to sleep. I didn't leave enough time whilst awake to just clear the mind of thoughts and focus behind the lids.
Plan shortly 4.30 -7 final session. Got busy week ahead so this will be it I think for a few days.
If anything it's still good energy raising sessions I'm putting in.

This is what I'm going by.
Roberts Astral Dynamics 1999.
Higher level projection.

32. Higher-Level Projection

Higher dimensions are similar in structure to the astral dimension, but exist at much higher levels or vibrations of consciousness. Like the astral dimension, each is a completely separate dimensional area, although they can all be said to occupy the same space. Between each level is an intermediary area, or buffer zone, similar to the color-tinted buffer zones that divide the major planes of the astral dimension, but wider and harder to traverse.

Each major level of consciousness corresponds with a particular dimension, and each has a subtle body to match it. Higher levels become progressively more abstract and complex in nature, as do the levels of consciousness associated with them. We all reflect, to a greater or lesser extent, an energetic facet of ourselves into all higher dimensions and levels of consciousness, at all times, just as an aspect of the astral body is constantly reflected into the astral dimension (see chapter 2).

The strength of these reflections, and their effect on inner and outer realities, depends greatly on the energetic development, intellect, spirituality, and natural potential of the individual.

High-Level Technique
To project into a higher level, aspiring projectors must first raise their energetic value to harmonize with that level. This is best done before the exit, but can also be done during a projection, and can happen spontaneously. The most effective way of reaching higher levels - barring natural ability - is through the practice of consciousness-raising meditation, energetic development, and other related spiritual practices.

The generation of a high-level projectable double is affected by the level of consciousness, by the active configuration of primary energy centers, and by the quality of energies they produce. The higher-body generation process is therefore limited by the projection mechanism's ability to generate the energetic qualities required.

Projecting consciously into levels higher than the mid to high astral, say past the high fifth or lower sixth astral plane, takes either a high level of skill and development or strong natural ability, or both. A projector usually needs to be proficient at both consciousness raising and energetic stimulation to do this. There are, however, ways to achieve this that take advantage of latent natural ability.

Ideally, an aspiring higher-level projector needs some experience with projection. However, it is possible to begin right here and use the following procedure as a stand-alone projection technique. If you have failed at projection using other methods, try this. It may suit you and work better, even for a very first projection attempt.

Note: All the skills and techniques required here are given elsewhere in this book (see parts 2, 3, and 4).
Stimulate feet and hands, as per NEW system, then use a full-body circuit for ten minutes or longer.

Use a deep physical relaxation technique, then attain the full-trance state.

Stimulate all primary energy centers.

Use extra brow and crown center stimulation exercises.

Raise energy through the whole body, including arms, and up through all primary centers in one smooth action to the crown center on the IN breath. Hold awareness in the crown center and feel energy flowing into there all through the IN breath and all through the following OUT breath. Flick awareness back to feet and repeat at start of next IN breath. This exercise is designed to draw and accumulate energy in the brow and crown centers.

Continue the above exercise for at least ten minutes, or until you start seeing a color suffusing or tinting your vision behind your closed eyelids. Purple is the best color to see for this, but any bright primary color is a good sign. If you see nothing, continue with the next part of this exercise anyway.

Using your body awareness, generate a continual "Aummmm" sound in your heart center. Imagine it and feel it growing stronger and stronger in your heart. Once this is established, slowly move this awareness sound up to the throat center, and from there up to brow center, and finally spreading to the crown center. This is a fairly deep tone, as if vibrated softly in the back of a mature man's throat. Feel it humming there and let this spread and fill the entire head. This sound may continue on its own accord, or even spread through the entire body, or it may not. If you can hold this tone without too much effort, try to continue it throughout this whole projection attempt. If this part is too difficult, try to hold the "Aummmm" sound in either the throat or brow center only, whichever is easiest. Just do the best you can with this for a few minutes, then proceed to the next part of this exercise.

From behind your closed eyelids, look for a distant point of light, or a small pattern of light that is brighter than any other you can see. This may appear as a tiny bright dot, star, or multicolored structure, or even as a geometric pattern. It may also appear as a distant scene, single or multicolored, as if seen through the wrong end of a telescope. Gently lock on to and hold this target firmly in your mind's eye.

Shift your awareness toward and into the target and feel yourself moving toward it. Feel yourself as being there already inside it. Imagine and feel a strong spiritual love connection with the target. Love the target and want to be there with all your heart and soul. Use the point shift technique at this point and feel yourself moving directly toward the target. Rope or other projection techniques can be added or alternated as necessary.

If the above method cannot be made to work, I suggest that the secondary full-body circuit be used for half an hour or more, added to step one, and that step five also be continued for half an hour or more. This is often necessary to provide the quality of energies required for a high-level projection. If, at any time during the above process, the brow center strobes, and you see a heavy flash of bright silver-white light in your mind's eye, go straight to steps eight and nine and complete the projection.
When you succeed at projection using this method, you may experience any of the normal variety of projection-related sensations, or you may feel none at all and just find yourself instantly there inside your target. This method will always cause a higher level of projection than would otherwise be possible.

Usually I feel a moment's disorientation, a brief upward-falling sensation, a flash of light as my brow center strobes, then I suddenly appear wherever it is I am going.

( not following to the letter)