I've just experienced TWO ASTRAL ARMS AND HANDS underneath me trying to lift me out.
This was fantastic and I'm on cloud cuckoo land.
I was restless because I'd pulled a heavy bed cover up and was far too hot. Shoved it off and was lying on my side trying to cool down. My thoughts went to an email I had sent in French to my sister just trying to show off that I could also do a bit. Mind now slowing down when I sent out a thought to the spirit world to please stay working with me . Within only a minute I hear a slight buzzing noise, I recognised it as astral noise but this surprised me because it had come on so soon. The noise remained and I tried to pull myself up but got nowhere. I hadn't been doing any energy work so had no energy sensations to try to increase.

Next thing two hands and arms tucked underneath my waist and gently tried to raise me. I was excited saying to myself " I can feel hands underneath me, I'm being helped out , I can feel you" . The attempt failed and the hands slipped away. Not knowing what to do next tried to silence mind again and relax when it happened again. The buzzing, slight feeling of raising and arms tucked underneath me again. At the same time I could feel my husbands leg touching mine but could also feel the astral hands. No success again. This happened three times when on the last attempt thinking it might work I focused on the brow area just incase there was anything to see if I did get out and just saw a single eye as if from a long distance. This I've had before usually just before a really good event. This was like a human eye with eyelid and skin underneath.
After third attempt the hands slipped away and I was so excited I knew I was too awake for anything else.
I'm just delighted I didn't freak out . I've proved for myself that a lot of my experiences have been directed from the other side and I've been taken rather just dreaming. They really are working with me .( although I knew anyway)

Oh by the way Richard, love the new look.
I don't know about your find above. I am currently preparing to pay for a private op for hubby if NHS keep him waiting any longer.
When I was 30 ,heavily pregnant with second child my husbands business went into liquidation and we lost our home, savings,income and were left in debt. But I knew then that I had the most important things in life. A beautiful family, another on the way, we all had good health and a closeness to get us through this and we did . So what I'm saying is i've gone through the losing everything bit and came out ♥♥♥♥♥s because I got my priorities right. Fast forward to now and I've worked hard for everything .
I don't care what's thrown at me . I can handle it again ,and I'm waiting just incase ( but I have a feeling not)
Anyway, knowing that I've got the other side close I'm sure things will be okay,
Thanks anyway and you've been right before so I'm prepared.