Struggling a bit with the concepts as to the fact that I don't believe in God as a person therefore for a few weeks I'd been thinking that if god is in all of us but it isn't a person but just an energy of love , then why the flip shouldn't I eat meat..
Tonight I'm thinking in the direction of evolution.
Read a short chapter today from Robert Munroes book that discussed the animal and man.
Looking at this from a different perspective.
If we did evolve from animal brain to human brain then experiences on earth plane here was the training school.We may believe we are here to experience therefore to evolve. So we should also believe that any living organism should also be here to experience and evolve. ( don't authors write that everything in spirit is energy including plants? And I experienced it with a mushroom once in astral ..)
Therefore your not killing or eating a part of god but cutting short the experience that this animal has to help with its evolution.
So I make this choice as I would wish to help my neighbour.( chickens have further to go so am still eating them)
I know it's obvious here what I'm doing but I need to understand the ' why' without the God as a person.