Thought I'd share this story since it's one of the very rare occurrences, or manifestations that the Universe, God, or whatnot brings about in such a stunning manner. At least in my life.

Some time ago, when I first began practicing projection I managed to partially phase into a scene where a Chinese man stood before me, watching me with soulful eyes. He wore a deep red hat, the kind you often see worn in the Orient. I only knew he was Chinese by the distinct red lettering across part of his clothes which were otherwise all black. I didn't know what to make of it and put it in my "unknown bucket." But I've never forgotten his serene face.

Fast forward.

I had my aura image taken, and oddly it showed a distinct plume of red energy from neck up. I didn't put much stock in the photo, and I definitely didn't connect it to my Chinese visitor projection.

Forward again, Two weeks ago I spoke with a friend and very gifted psychic. She did a reading for me and mentioned how my aura was green, but there was a little too much cognitive stuff going on (thinking too much), and she said that activity was coloring my crown area differently. Then she went on to suggest I see a Chinese practitioner for various issues. She was firm on this. Chinese acupuncture or something of that nature.

Then I began to wonder if there was some connection between the Chinese man in my projection, my crown energy aura, and a number of other little details I won't go into. In any case, I made an appointment with a highly qualified Traditional Chinese Medicine guy in my hood.

Now here's where my jaw hit the floor. I'm in his office for the first session and he comes out and we talk. I can barely get words together because his face is the EXACT face from my projection.

I am not making this up.

This sort of thing has never happened to me and I'm still blown over by it, though trying not to think too much (must get crown energy calm!)

Cool, eh?


p.s. And after that first session my head felt cool and calm and spacious...