so, over the last few years i've had this recurring dream, or atleast dreams with a set of common factors.

To start here are the common factors: Night time, Stars in the sky moving and comming into some formation, Being with a group of friends(different every time), Dragons(chinese mostly).

The first dream(3 or 4 years ago), i had gone out back for a smoke, while standing there i noticed a group of stars(all white) starting to swirl around, then start snaking along as i'd picture a chinese dragon flying along. shortly there after it dove into the earth.

2nd- same situation, but in a desert, and all the stars were red. they didn't form into a dragon, but were noticably closer than the previous dream. one of them crashed like a fire ball into the desert in the distance, looked for it but couldn't find it.

3rd identical to 2nd, but i was alone instead.

4th identical to 2nd, but stars were white, there were more of them, and they were closer(each dream they seemed to be noticably closer)

most recent 2(both in the same night, but i woke up in between them.)
1- was at a cabin in the mountains with friends, we were all outside enjoying the view. i happened to look at the stars. a group of them(all white stars) formed a horizontal line, and seemed to be getting close. i frantically, or excitedly tried explaining to my friends that "i've seen this before! Its happening again...i don't what it is, ive seen it a few times though!" they all seemed to panic but i wasn't scared, i was more curious. the stars got close enough that i could tell, they weren't stars, they were space ships...once they got that close they started to disappear.

2- after falling back to sleep after being awake for 20 or so minutes..the dream repeated itself exactly as before, but the "stars" didn't disappear they not only got close enough to tell they weren't stars, they started to land near our cabin. where i could see they all looked like dragons, most of them were a variation of the chinese dragons, but some looked more similar to other mythology's image of them....i had to convince them we were worthy of peace, and that they were welcome there(or atleast i thought i did?)

i've been racking my brain all day trying to figure out the significance of these dreams...any insight would be helpful, as i believe there is a reason these factors are recurring as a sort of theme. it feels positive but i honestly have no idea