Quote Originally Posted by Eyeswideopen View Post
I occasionally see very strange ugly faces, I saw a man in a suit with black hair
but he look almost like he had snake skin. Yesterday because I was being pulled
out gently I saw different things but the one that I remembered was almost a
woman's face but her mouth took over most of it like eyes and a huge mouth
and tongue. I don't get freaked out but, feel very isolated and worry that I
might get myself into trouble.
When I've seen such things, I've sometimes (not always) got the feeling that those
persons (or creatures) are in fact parts of myself. Perhaps parts which I've rejected
and who have to come back to me. When I send those parts love and allow them
to return into me they change to not being ugly or looking fearful. Giving them a
hug sometime helps.

In various ways I try to talk (by thoughts) to those persons or entities. If they seem
unhappy with their current states, I may just suggest some kind of change or
show them something fun which I imagine up.

It not always works and sometimes I can feel quite exhausted afterwards, so I don't
know if I do anything right. My feeling is anyway that sending love, acceptance or
whatever, can calm the entity down, it more often helps than not helps.

These periods also seem to come and go, with not much happening in between.