First, let me complement you with your website. Seems there is an increasing rate of people experiencing spiritual situations unlike never before and you provide a much needed service to most of us.

My question relates to what appears to be a Kundalini awakening and what felt like aborted OBE's. In January of this year, I lost my fiancée suddenly to complications as a result of pneumonia. This had a devastating effect on me that resulted in a deep depressive state. There were some unique events surrounding her death that I picked on but could not understand at the time and for the sake of keeping this concise I won’t go into.

I began to experience effects that based on the research I’ve done, remarkably resemble what others describe as a Kundalini awakening i.e. muscle twitching, intense heat in my feet, chakra activity, etc..(At the time I did not understand this and was very confused).

One night I awoke to feel what could be described as an internal energy attempting to leave my body through my head but parts were stuck, especially in the face area. I felt myself grimacing as this continued for what felt like less than a minute. Throughout this whole period the wood in my room started cracking usually at the same spot directly to my left and high on the wall as I lie on my bed (Always in the same spot and the at same time). Nowhere else in the house I heard these cracks. This had been going on for months.

Later on that week, I awoke again but this time, it was due to an extremely strong twitch in my torso area close to my spleen that nearly lifted me off my bed, at precisely this exact moment a loud crack was heard in the wall right above my head. This happened three consecutive times leaving me unnerved as I could not comprehend any of this. Since then, I have read many books and websites dealing with OBE's and could not find a correlation to the wood cracks and this experience. I suspect that this relates to my chakras.

I should mention that some individuals I contacted regarding this dismiss this (wood cracks) as part of the projection and that if there were other persons in the room they would not be able to hear the crack sounds of wood. During this same timeframe, I have attempted regression therapy with a psychologist but for some reason was unable to experience past lives as those described in the many books that are out today. I did start to get visions after I began this therapy when I closed my eyes (like when riding the train to work and closed my eyes) of people with sad faces, one lady had blood trickling from her nose. These images were very vivid. These images would start after I would begin to see with my eyes closed as if I were going through a black and indigo tunnel, at times coming towards me and others away from me. After minutes of this I would see these images of people, I could only see their faces.

During one of the regression sessions and upon entering deeper states of relaxation I felt the initial stages of the OBE except that it did not go very far and a crack in the wood inside her office was heard. After the session, I asked her if she heard the noise to which she responded affirmatively.

I haven't been able to find an explanation as it relates to these noises. A channeler I know said that those are Spirit Reps. The Kundalini symptoms have resided significantly but my crown chakra has remained active. I can feel the intensity change when my mood changes. I have continued in my attempts to have a full OBE but have been unsuccessful.

Exposing this situation is not easy but I know I am not going crazy. I would appreciate any thoughts you may have.