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Thread: What's your view on Astral Projection's purpose please

  1. #11
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    Re: What's your view on Astral Projection's purpose please
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  2. #12
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    Re: What's your view on Astral Projection's purpose please

    I believe the true purpose is evolution of the soul and part of this evolution is to realize your true nature, what you truly are. I believe the real evolution is spiritual and that evolution as most people see it is not physical in nature. The reason for this beeing that we create our own reality, and thus physical change is a result of the nonphysical processes that are generating the change. Astral projection and the realization of your true self would therefor be a quantum leap in your evolution and manifest itself in, for instance, the physical dimension in you next life. I think if everyone would realize this the world would soon look very, very different.

    William Buhlman writes about this in his latest book by the way, and it truly harmonizes with my own thoughts about how it is.
    Last edited by SiriusTraveler; 6th September 2013 at 11:21 AM.

  3. #13
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    Re: What's your view on Astral Projection's purpose please

    nicely stated SiriusTraveler. though, could it be that the stages of change, whereever they may be placed, all engather upon the finished physicality of established human...finally being? such that a next not an option. even to say that the final being is neither a next life being, for all as a whole has rested within the one finally being.

    "I think if everyone would realize this the world would soon look very, very different." SiriusTraver ~ Awesome!
    I Don't Ever Give Up:

    "I'm no fighter, but I'm fighting, this whole world seems uninviting..."

    Avatar: Passion Baby!

    Making Love Out of Nothing @ ALL:

    Az for Me, of my Self, I am Home

  4. Re: What's your view on Astral Projection's purpose please

    Quote Originally Posted by CFTraveler View Post
    I'm new to AD (and anything related to metaphysics and OBE). Has been a fascinating reading/learning experience.

    What's this River of Enlightenment forum and who's Aunt Clair? A quick search returned thousands of posts and one of them said she met Jesus. I'm curious...

  5. #15
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    Re: What's your view on Astral Projection's purpose please

    Quote Originally Posted by javalinar View Post
    I'm new to AD (and anything related to metaphysics and OBE). Has been a fascinating reading/learning experience.

    What's this River of Enlightenment forum and who's Aunt Clair? A quick search returned thousands of posts and one of them said she met Jesus. I'm curious...
    the River of Enlightenment is Aunt Clair's site and Aunt Clair is a member who is a Clairvoyant Medium, and practices many disciplines, who has a lot of experience of her own. Her bio is in her site, which is linked above.
    For some info here, here's a little something:
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  6. #16

    Red face what i was going to say too.

    Quote Originally Posted by Tutor View Post
    "curiosity" ~ on meeting Jesus...or having met...Him wherein all thereof archtypes remedy as One.

    Personal Jesus:


    remedy (n.) Look up remedy at Dictionary.comc.1200, "cure for a disease or disorder; means of counteracting an evil," from Anglo-French remedie, Old French remede "remedy, cure" (12c., Modern French remède) and directly from Latin remedium "a cure, remedy, medicine, antidote, that which restores health," from re-, intensive prefix (or perhaps literally, "again;" see re-), + mederi "to heal" (see medical (adj.)). Figurative use from c.1300.

    remedy (v.). 1400, from Old French remedier or directly from Latin remediare, from remedium (see remedy (n.)). Related: Remedied; remedying.




    confession = admission, tri-part: admit to self, admit to God, admit to another human being

    Enjoy The Silence:

    henceforth ~ admonition


    admonish (v.) Look up admonish at Dictionary.commid-14c., amonesten "remind, urge, exhort, warn, give warning," from Old French amonester (12c.) "urge, encourage, warn," from Vulgar Latin *admonestare, from Latin admonere "bring to mind, remind, suggest;" also "warn, advise, urge," from ad- "to" (see ad-) + monere "advise, warn" (see monitor (n.)). The -d- was restored on Latin model. The ending was influenced by words in -ish (e.g. astonish, abolish). Related: Admonished; admonishing.

    monitor (n.) Look up monitor at Dictionary.com1540s, "senior pupil at a school charged with keeping order, etc.," from Latin monitor "one who reminds, admonishes, or checks," also "an overseer, instructor, guide, teacher," agent noun from monere "to admonish, warn, advise," related to memini "I remember, I am mindful of," and to mens "mind," from PIE root *men- "to think" (see mind (n.)).

    Monitor Lizard: The type of lizard so called because it is supposed to give warning of crocodiles (1826). Meaning "squat, slow-moving type of ironclad warship" (1862) so called from name of the first vessel of this design, chosen by the inventor, Swedish-born U.S. engineer John Ericsson (1803-1889), because it was meant to "admonish" the Confederate leaders in the U.S. Civil War. Broadcasting sense of "a device to continuously check on the technical quality of a transmission" (1931) led to special sense of "a TV screen displaying the picture from a particular camera.

    admonitory (adj.) Look up admonitory at Dictionary.com1590s, from Late Latin admonitorius, from Latin admonitus, past participle of admonere (see admonish).

    praecipe (n.) Look up praecipe at Dictionary.comc.1500 (in Magna Carta in Anglo-Latin), from Latin praecipe, imperative of praecipere "to admonish, enjoin," from the opening words of such a writ, praecipe quod reddat "enjoin (him) that he render." [Writ of trespass, Writ of praecipe quod reddat, Writ of debt, Writ of acceleration]

    admonition (n.) Look up admonition at Dictionary.comlate 14c., amonicioun "reminding, instruction," from Old French amonicion "admonition, exhortation," from Latin admonitionem (nominative admonitio), noun of action from past participle stem of admonere (see admonish). Meaning "warning" is early 15c. The -d- was restored in English 17c.warn (v.) Look up warn at Dictionary.comOld English warnian "to give notice of impending danger," also intransitive, "to take heed," from West Germanic

    *warnojanan (cf. Old Norse varna "to admonish," Old High German warnon "to take heed," German warnen "to warn"); related to Old English wær "aware, cautious" (see wary). Related: Warned; warning.

    chastise (v.) Look up chastise at Dictionary.comc.1300, chastisen, from Old French chastiier "to warn, advise, instruct; chastise, admonish; punish; dominate, tame" (12c., Modern French châtier), from Latin castigare "to set or keep right, to reprove, chasten, to punish," literally "to make pure" (see castigate). Or perhaps from Middle English chastien (see chasten) + -ise, though this would be early for such a native formation. The form of the modern word "is not easily accounted for" [OED]. Related: Chastised; chastising.

    "He alone may chastise who loves." [Rabindranath Tagore, "The Crescent Moon," 1913]:

    distinguish (v.) Look up distinguish at Dictionary.com1560s, from Middle French distinguiss-, stem of distinguer, or directly from Latin distinguere "to separate between, separate by pricking," from dis- "apart" (see dis-) + -stinguere "to prick" (see extinguish, and cf. Latin instinguere "to incite, impel").

    The suffix -ish is due to the influence of many verbs in which it is the equivalent of Old French -iss-, ultimately from Latin inchoative suffix -iscere (this is also the case in extinguish, admonish, and astonish). Related: Distinguishing. The earlier form of the verb was distinguen (mid-14c.).


    Justice: The Relationship of Writ and Remedy ~ to render justice, not rendered upon the law breaker, but rather the law breaker as personally enjoined under the law to render justice through making amends to that one or party of; the return of property/debt/balance of trespass, by direct return or through means of equal recompense, wherein all partys, either plaintiff or defendant, are re~turned under the law, with equanimity [remedy] for all concerned. Re~mediation

    This implys that when all is well between two or more, that the co-sense of mediation is a continuous unbroken flow of consistent mutual respect [mutual love] for one another, as well to~ward one another's sole property, or mutual property with respect to all concerned of that shared property. you and yours, me and mine

    this is not man made law, for all of nature abides by such, such as the universe, such as the human all.

    Justice = The Body Of, applying to each in every of One; as each abides within that whereof the body of ~ wholey abides, otherwise the body is no longer a body, is dismembered toward again becoming re-membered. thus, it is actually the law which is forgotten, and not merely one's individual self forgotten toward remembrance. Re-membrance then, is returning under the law, as an each again abiding with the body of, for the law is a body of, the body of law = human. therefore, all law cannot but relate through humanous, even as law is a predispositional state preceding human as form and function. to have said that, this predisposition rules the formation of the humanm body, as well as the function; thus is autonomous.

    yet, what of autonomy, if one is enjoined under the law? is this not a practice, a discipline, a one whom having broken the law is now within the law rendering justice, not upon any other, but rather, a vested partner gainfully appropriating the return to others through the very law 'as it is'.

    one might reckon to see the difference herein between world and kingdom where law is concerned. Kingdom is ever a continuously unbroken flow of consistent mutual love. tis why it is written that love endures all "things". Kingdom is never not resting in peace. while if being of the world, we "imagine" that the finality of death is our "best wished" entry to resting in peace. what then, is death? for that matter, what is life?
    Tim beat me to it, yet another reason "why" is it that we project , the consciousness leaving the body might have evolved naturally overtime to intimate us that death isn't absolute in sense of a total end.It might have higher engineering to "clue us up" that "there are more things Horatio between heaven and earth.."
    Let me share with you a story , I once knew a person IRL , who had a very bad case of thanatophobia , despite being on medication and therapy her condition did not improve , in fact it came to a point where she would withhold her uniformed breakfast-fed kids from hopping onto the school because the fear of death would "spill" over in her functioning everyday life from the confines of her slowly unraveling mind.
    She told me one day , when she had fully sensed that things couldn't go on any longer as they had she surrendered and prayed fervently to God asking him that she could no longer bear the burden of her mind and that if she was going to die it had better come sooner then later,at this point she probably was unable to fight the fear anymore and gave into it , I mean things were bad enough to a point where she had had her will revised several times and had legally appointed guardians other then the father and foster arrangements and funding set up for her kids, (she was obsessed with making sure that life for people around her would be as minimally affected after her departure as possible) somewhere within the same time frame she came to have her first fully aware OOBE.
    I'm not sure (as we moved to different cities) whether it cured entirely her thantophobia or not , but I do see her often on facebook with her family looking healthy and sound , so I think things did work out eventually.

    Interesting to note is also is how BW often says the combined power of surrender and prayer is indeed a forced to be reckoned with - I guess this too might be an example of that.

    thought I'd add that as a reason too , since we have a list going

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