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Thread: Dream Projection?

  1. #1

    Dream Projection?

    Hello, explorers! I haven't yet introduced myself but I'm going to do that shortly. For now I'll just say this OBE thing had kind of slammed into my life suddenly but this is in no sense a matter of complaint What forces me to start this thread is a repetitive issue (for the lack of a better term) I'm facing lately. The last episode took place just another 30 minutes ago, so I decided to ask for advice. Here's the thing: quite often lately as I go to sleep I would have some vibes that differ a bit in intensity and quality or a sleep paralisis which would result in a false awaking. 'Quite usual' some would state, but the point is that in my case it seems to go the same way every time. Most commonly it would happen when I'm at work(I work at the front desk in a hotel at night time, so I got a few hours to rest, that I would normally use to do some energy work and it's when most of my experiences take place). So as I experience those vibes or a SP episode, I then find myself awake or often waken up by some person who is currently at work with me, I am in the same room where I know I fell asleep and that's how I always got tricked. I am completely aware I am at work at that moment, I can clearly recall going to sleep there and an episode of vibes or paralisis or whatever else was going on, and besides I am aware of the fact I have to go and carry out my duty. So normally I would interact with the person that woke me up and try to go back to my working place and that's where the whole thing turns to madness and my coming back turns to Ulysses journey. Details of the dream may differ from one time to another, but there is always some kind of certain scenario behind it and some elements are always there: I'm always in a room where I fell asleep though details may be slightly different; there's always someone who is currently there in real; though i going to sleep between midnight and 4 am, as i false wake up, it's always sunny behind the window, i mean each damn time; when the whole thing turns into a dream at some point, there are elements common for almost each episode, so most probably what I would do throughout the "dreamy" part of the dream is I'd meet someone who is already dead in real, I'd play and often talk to an animal or a child(or both), and I'd witness some catastrophic scene like an earthquake, flood or smth else. So considering symptoms and that certain plot behind each dream, any guess about what might be going on? Thanks in advance.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Sunny Climes
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    Re: Dream Projection?

    Is your job the type of job that messes up your sleep patterns? (like a doctor or a nurse)- that kind of environment can lead to false awakenings, because there is too much noise and light and you can never get deep enough.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  3. #3

    Re: Dream Projection?

    Actually, any job messes my sleep patterns But seriously, I don't think that's the case, for most of the time I'd just sleep calmly, or, if intended I would practice NEW and experience some hypnagogic or near-OBE things. In fact it was at work that I had my both(to date) conscious projections to say nothing of lucid dreams, numerous SPs and vibes episodes. But normally when SP lets go, I'd fully wake up, it's only for the last month or two that I'd slip into a dream and experience false awaking and the rest as described above. It always goes with vibes/SP episode. To myself I call this "semi-lucid dream", was wondering if someone else has experienced anything similar to this.

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