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Thread: First success? Yes... but what did I achieve?!

  1. #1
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    Feb 2013
    Currently in Sao Paulo, BR

    First success? Yes... but what did I achieve?!

    Astral Dream Journal 3/27/2013

    First success? Yes... but I am unsure exactly what I achieved!

    Yesterday night was a night of firsts.

    I watched Robert Bruce's youtube videos on energy body activation. Even though I had read the "Astral Dynamics" chapter on trying to raising energy in your hands by touch... I never felt like I had "gotten it." Robert's youtube video changed all of that for me, in a quick 60 minutes.

    One part of this exercise that I loved was: the idea that when you close your eyes and move your energy activated hands in front, you will be able to see/perceive their outline. I did just that, and I marveled at what seemed to be tingling bright spots outlining my hands. Now it wasn't perfect... but that leads me into one of Robert's next points. He noted that the more you practice this energy work, the more realistic your energy body would get. So I am not surprised that my hand's outline was a bit faint.

    Pretty pleased with myself, I prepared for sleep. I lied back in bed, face up, and put on my currently favorite meditation exercise from

    About 4 hours later, I woke up with my body tingling all over, a slightly more pronounced and faster heartbeat, and slight vibrations. It felt like my entire body was in a mild paralysis. Then there was the abrupt sound of my g/f waking up and that brought me out of it.

    I tried to relax again, and soon found myself in this beautiful and colorfull world. I was floating in the ocean, next to the shore, and the waves were slowly bringing me closer to the beach. It was extremely vivid. At this point I remembered my energy exercises and tried to picture my hands. I could move them!

    I was so excited that the world started to lose focus. I willed myself to focus, and tried to spin around a couple of times. It was weird. I didn't do the move very well, but the result was that the world became clear as it was before.

    Now here is the part I don't truly understand. At the moment, I was back floating on the waves and I saw a woman's face in the sky. Or at least, I would say her face was outlined by the same inter-connected bright spots as was my energy hands when I closed my eyes and waved them in front of my face. I got the feeling that she was here to help me.

    Soon after looking at her, and feeling the vibrations in my energy body,
    I felt my legs come in contact with a boulder in the ocean. The texture was so realistic. The boulder wasn't simply smooth, it had little bumps all over it. They looked like they would hurt to touch in real life, but the sensation was painless mixed in with awe. I used this boulder to try to stand up. Although I didn't feel any tension, I felt very positive that this would allow me to get out. I tried for about 4 seconds, I saw that it wasn't working as desired, and then I tried rope.

    I woke up.

    Questions: Was I already in the Astral when I was floating in the ocean? Was it just visualizing in deep trance? Who/what was the woman that was trying to help me?

    Anyways, it was amazing!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2011
    In a dream, somewhere finding my way home

    Re: First success? Yes... but what did I achieve?!

    Quote Originally Posted by Hotpod View Post
    Astral Dream Journal 3/27/2013
    I used this boulder to try to stand up. Although I didn't feel any tension, I felt very positive that this would allow me to get out.
    It sounds like an Astral experience. Lots of telling bits here and there but I'll focus on your "standing" statement for now. Early on, when we achieve an OBE state, we often move and will ourselves as if we were in a body. And so, our consciousness forms something similar to a body around our experience, but it doesn't exactly navigate like our physical vehicle and so we may sense a lack of gravity, tension, or thickness so to speak. I recall my first encounter out, how I woke, moved from my body in a fluid motion, and then sprinted off the end of my bed, all the time thinking I had some sort of body. I jumped from the end of my bed and tried to go through the ceiling but came gently down to the ground. When I woke it occurred to me that I had been creating the sense off a body all along. I've seen my hands melt as many do, and then laughed realizing I had formed those very hands by expecting to see something.

    Also realize that your perspective may be split, meaning, you experience two competing perspectives at once. You are out, but then you move for an exit technique because your conscious awareness flickers between your actual body and the body that's already out. This can be profoundly confusing at first, so much so you may not be sure what happened at all.

    It's all thought sensitive, trust your heart. Even a hint that you achieved something can build for the next adventure.

    Know Thyself

  3. #3
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    Re: First success? Yes... but what did I achieve?!

    Thanks for your input SoulSail! What you said rings true. Any opinion on the Woman's face that appeared to me?

  4. #4

    Re: First success? Yes... but what did I achieve?!

    I guess that was the part of Astral Pulse.

  5. #5

    Re: First success? Yes... but what did I achieve?!

    Hi Hotpod thanks for posting your experience. I have been feeling very off centre the last few weeks and today I am feeling especially crazy... like the box I have been living in has gotten too tight. Just before I read your post a thought ran into my mind that I need to get out of my body which surprised me because I avoid astral travel .... am a scaredy cat.The problem with me is that I don't seemed to have any discipline right now to do energy work but I think watching a youtube video will trigger something for me... my obes tend to work like that.Not helping you I know but just wanted to give you thumbs up

  6. #6
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    Re: First success? Yes... but what did I achieve?!

    Robert's youtube videos were like a catalyst for me. I had tried the brushing exercises before but it just didn't seem to be working. At the time I thought they were working... that is until I saw the vids. Robert went throughh the whole process and talked me through it. I felt the energy flow, or "body awareness" within 15 seconds whereas my previous attempts went on longer and didn't have such immense results!

  7. #7
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    Re: First success? Yes... but what did I achieve?!

    Hiya Roman. What do you mean by "part of the astral pulse." I've heard the term before but don't know what it really means

  8. #8
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    Re: First success? Yes... but what did I achieve?!

    Hiya Leyla . Have you ever seen a face, like the one I saw? I am still somewhat confused as to what she was there for. It seemed like she wanted to help... but I've never experienced that before, so I wanted to get some more opinions.

  9. #9
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    Re: First success? Yes... but what did I achieve?!

    Quote Originally Posted by Hotpod View Post
    Hiya Roman. What do you mean by "part of the astral pulse." I've heard the term before but don't know what it really means
    More than likely what Robert calls the 'Akashic Pulse'/Astral Wind phenomenon. It's in all editions of AD and used to be referred to in the Treatise. I'll see if I can find some reference to it- come to think of it it may be in the AD pedia.

    It is, but I referred to the articles section:

    Scroll down to "purpose of the mind split".
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  10. #10
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    Re: First success? Yes... but what did I achieve?!

    Thanks for chiming in Leyla. I have been pretty involved with my material life recently, so I haven't gotten a chance to follow up on this. Even still, I am sure that it will be revealed in time.


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