Quote Originally Posted by Yoda909 View Post
It sounds to me like you found an animal totem. As with your polar bear, this centipede can and will help you with your spiritual and psychological pursuits, perhaps more actively than you think now.

Animal totems, Sinera, have a way of being obstinate when you first discover them. That is, they will attack or run away or cause problems, or whatever their inherent defense mechanism is in real life, making it harder for you to work with them. But once you learn to gain their respect, they will help you and guide you. I am currently working with one of my totems in dreams and he is a very active and cognitive being, so to say. So congrats! You found an animal spirit guide! I've never worked with a centipede before, but next time observe him.

Your killing him was obviously the best thing for you to do at the moment, otherwise you wouldn't have done it. Next time you see him, try something else, like capturing him somehow. Meditate on him and he will recur in your dreams.

Good luck!

Honestly I shiver at the thought of meeting this creature again. I hope it's not a totem animal. I'd go for the nice and fluffy ice bear instead if you'd ask me.