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Thread: "Psychic Screaming" - a look at alternative energy workouts.

  1. #1

    "Psychic Screaming" - a look at alternative energy workouts.

    What is Psychic Screaming?
    This is an energetic exercise that is used mainly to empower , awaken or simulate a full blown energy workout within a certain energetic locale , for comparison let us say that this isn't a gentle leisurely stroll but a full sprint and a cardio and aerobics for a chakra all in one session.
    If you have worked with NEW or have had any experience with such exercises but want to take your workout to the next level , this could be a potentially prove to be a good alternative.

    What does it mean to scream out through a chakra?
    The concept of screaming isn't entirely western , it has been used in the past mostly in kundalini exercises to impart onto the practitioner the knowledge of how to discharge a sudden bout of energy or how to handle a chakric output on such a level.Mantras and Mudaras are used for further refinement and augmentation traditionally but for now we will not be incorporating those in our workout.
    The screaming is very definitely not tactile or kinesthetic , but psycho-vocal , i.e a "silent" screaming without use of the any of the vocal apparatus in all of the entire throat , and it's contents must be at total pause resting in serenity.That is the basic premise ; don't be misled by the word "scream" , there is no violence , aggression or malicious intent , instead the goal here is to learn to how to "hurl" energy out through a point in a clam tranquil manner.Our intent for now will be to first understand the fundamentals and then there onward proceed with practice once a grip on the basic understanding is developed.

    For whom should this exercise be avoided and why?
    This exercise often tends to "bring to the surface" what your'e putting out through a chakra.
    You will be a faucet connected to a water hose , If a hose is rusty it is going to pour out murky water at first.
    For this reason it should be noted that people who are aware of past tragedy , or on some level are "repressing" or "suppressing" thought or memory (for whatever reason) should steer clear.
    Adolescents experiencing rapidly fluctuating mood swings as well are poor candidates.
    People will seizure or epileptic tendencies or migraines should heed this too.

    For whom is it especially recommended and why?
    This is of great use to people who have energetic "turbulence" , energetic turbulence manifests itself as poltergeist phenomenon , disturbed clair-senses , psychokinetic upheaval , distorted psychic phenomenon , and distorted psychic visual images when you don't appreciate being receptive such as at inappropriate times are to name a few.
    To me personally the best effect of psychic-screaming is that of the ability to actually "feel" your chakras in the luxury of detail, after honing sufficient skill at this , the energetic locale cleansed and "turbo-boosted" by screaming will for a short while "spark" , imagine for example a chakra in your chest as a fan with blades , if you blow wind out the blades will move and produce a current of air , not only will you be able to feel the air current you will be able to feel each distinct blade or spoke rotate , you will be able to feel , taste and appreciate the flavor of such air produced and distinguish for your own self which chakra does what (instead of just reading online accounts "this is your 3rd eye chakra , it is usually this color and it does this , this and also that").

    On a scale of 1 to 10 how difficult is this to practice or master ?
    I would rate this to be 6 and onwards , the procedure itself is easy to understand and to put into practice , the obstacle almost everyone will run into is to "scream" without using your throat , this is not made easy by the fact that the exercise requires moving a step out of the "tactile" or the "kinesthetic" zone to the zone of "energy expression" , this will take some getting used to.
    The reason why I included a scale here is to set the understanding that if your'e looking for a quick , easy , simple "pick me up" for a chakra ; then this will surely not turn out to be like that at all.

    I'm going to end the first part saying "fruits of success are borne on the loftiest of trees"

    in the next part we will set ourselves up for the preliminaries and off we go!

  2. #2

    "Psychic Screaming" - a look at alternative energy workouts , part-II.

    Go what with whatever your basic meditation posture is , I assume a primary lotus , put white noise on loop and make conditions of perfect darkness , do not practice energetics of any sort beforehand, there should be nothing going on before you made ready and delve in.

    *Starting with a particular locale , throat as the base of operation
    we have to go with the throat first to get a good handle on this
    Visualize exhale as a multidirectional yet purely energetic outpouring
    Let as many aspects of a "Visual Scream" come out of throat as you can

    Keep in mind to good a very grip on the visuals you associate with a scream when you exhale (the training wheels will come off later on I assure you so do not get comfortable here , this isn't going to be easy but stick to it, I purposely picked the throat center for this particular intent as initially the point is to understand what "Vocal Imagery" is)

    *Starting again and switching back and forth
    You are going to forget what Vocal Imagery is as soon as you are done with it , furthermore if you can only do it while breathing (inhale and exhale are recognized "start" and "stop" not only in vispassana but many other ancient and well established energetics) if you get stuck with breathing patterns , your'e going to get stuck with the training wheels probably for good , to circumvent the situation , I recommend keeping the throat as the base of operations (well we scream from the throat so it only makes it that much more easier).
    Switching immediately in practice from throat to another locale will give the ability to exercise "Vocal Visuals" at another point , the feeling will fade away , try to hold onto it as much as you can while going back to the throat to "refresh" memory only.

    *How to scream from other chakras and other locales
    This is going to be a work in progress , I can't predict or instruct the time frame but make sure the foundation you lay here is a strong sturdy one, try as much as you can to incur psychic screaming without the movement of breathing or refreshing again from the throat.
    *Abate all energetic sensation , many will arise ignore them to the best of your capacity
    *Remain focused on taking a scream from it's vocal aspect to it's visual aspect
    *Keep track of Progress ; I didn't make good advancement here , but in the second month I had minimal retraction back to the throat or breathing patterns as "set points", in a way initially once you have transitioned from sensation to visual you are half the way through.

    *Advancing further towards pure psychic screaming
    I will use the Ajna Chakra/Third eye as an example (be sure to read the first part where I have the warnings explicitly listed)
    *Start the first round with basic inhale and exhale
    *Lodge the scream visuals firmly in the mind
    *Start experimenting with pure screaming as see how it feels
    *Once a comfort zone is established , discard the throat chakra as the base of operation
    *Keep screaming regardless of the energy phenomena that arise
    *Keep at it to gauge an estimate of how long a scream you can entertain
    *Use awareness within the Ajna Chakra to feel how the scream expands (if goes inward , outward , or expands concentrically.
    *Once an estimate is developed , keep track of it in mind , together with an understanding of which way your'e letting the scream out , pick it firmly back up to the point where you let it go.
    *Focus on making your scream last as long as you can.

    I will round this off conclusively in Part-III.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Sunny Climes
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    Re: "Psychic Screaming" - a look at alternative energy workouts.

    Very interesting, DC.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  4. #4

    Re: "Psychic Screaming" - a look at alternative energy workouts.

    Quote Originally Posted by CFTraveler View Post
    Very interesting, DC.
    thankyou , much appreciated.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2013

    Re: "Psychic Screaming" - a look at alternative energy workouts.

    Hi DC,
    Do you mean that should feel in other chakras the vibration like you feel when screeming physically you feel in your translate this feeling into the other chakras?? and not only translate but feel it as well in what ever chakra or all chakras?? but to use the feeling of screem from the throat chakra??

    Core Affirmation: I am loved and I am worthy,
    I am safe and I am free.
    I am powerfully protected.
    I am master of my body and ruler of my mind.
    By Robert Bruce

  6. #6

    Re: "Psychic Screaming" - a look at alternative energy workouts.

    Quote Originally Posted by IA56 View Post
    Hi DC,
    Do you mean that should feel in other chakras the vibration like you feel when screeming physically you feel in your translate this feeling into the other chakras?? and not only translate but feel it as well in what ever chakra or all chakras?? but to use the feeling of screem from the throat chakra??
    I'll take this and address with the rest of the questions pmed to me while I conclude the article.
    Your patience as always is appreciated.

  7. #7


    having picked up practicing this randomly I have concluded there's much more sensitivity produced about where your blockages are (in any particular chakra or a locale by a psychic screaming work out) , it's always a great way to vent (if you are screaming out something in your head "psychically" or even just other wise people might pick up on it) , that's a good way to get a point through without even speaking it out and that's way it can be a bad idea and get you into trouble ( ) .

    I might add further notes on it , I feel there's something more profound and meaningful that doing all this does to you (for instance letting you understand , or glimpse into the fact , that you can connect with a flow of pure divine brilliant positivity , if you get aside yourself and let your issues go).
    That way it adds to you understand the bigger scheme of things and understanding that spiritual evolution is always an ongoing process.

    This was also good in the fact that this was refreshing , I get awful bored with regular kind of energetic workouts this was good for getting back into the groove of hard work and the satisfaction therefore derived , and that wouldn't have happened if psychic screaming lacked novelty.

  8. #8

    this was a cute caveat.

    Quote Originally Posted by DarkChylde View Post
    For whom should this exercise be avoided and why?
    For this reason it should be noted that people who are aware of past tragedy , or on some level are "repressing" or "suppressing" thought or memory (for whatever reason) should steer clear.
    if any of the things you are dealing with or more accurately trying specifically block out pop up ( and they will ) , put them very simply aside , when you are working out , it's not like you can eat cheese cake and be exercising and saying , oh one cancels the other.
    Don't cheat on workouts , make up your mind muscle and stick to meditation for what it is.

  9. #9

    Re: "Psychic Screaming" - a look at alternative energy workouts.

    this thread lead me to a lot of spiritual development ( it synchronizes with my life so amazingly well).
    I'll write current adventures with this , if you want to read.

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