I started doing the MAP program a few weeks ago. I've been trying to remember my dreams every time I wake up, but most of the time, I either don't remember anything or I have a vague shadow memory that I did dream about something but can't remember what. I'd go about my day and maybe a thought or something would trigger that part of my brain that says "hey, I think I ...." and then the memory of whatever-that-was wouldn't come to mind. It's a bit frustrating.
Actually, I noticed that the more I meditate, the less I remember my dreams. I think I remembered my dreams much more so before I started the MAP program, but now that I spend 1-2 hours at night listening to the BrainWave presets, meditating/silencing the mind, and doing energy work, I fall asleep so fast that I don't remember falling asleep and when I wake up, I can't remember anything.
Any tips on dream recall?
- I have pen/paper ready near my bed
- every time I wake up, the first thing I do is to recall my dream