The program shows you to use keywords the minute you wake up- not whole sentences, just three keywords for whatever was happening just before wakeup.
Even though this wasn't stated in the program (I have the impression it was not expected when it was developed, because in its inception, the people using the schedules had some experience and were putting all of it together), it is normal for someone to start forgetting dreams and even become less lucid than before you began- that's because you are stressing your system with all the changes to how your mind/brain stores and processes information- this can and will become exhausting- you may find yourself unable to continue after about three weeks to a month due to exhaustion.
Do not be alarmed and do not give up- give yourself time off to recuperate- I took off around two weeks (I wish I could remember, it was a long long time ago), kept the affirmations going, and the reality checks, but just slept and slept and came back to where I was, and had amazing success after coming back from the time off.
In the years I've been participating in the forums I've seen this so many times that I now consider it a part of the program, and nothing to worry about; I found that when I came back to it all the exhaustion disappeared and I was able to project at day 30. Obviously my results are not typical, but it is how it was for me.