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Thread: Tempest's Kundalini Log

  1. #11
    Rayson Guest
    When the topic is spiritual ascension, it's hard to say what rules of sensibility can or should be used to determine that what is happening is good or bad, or that a person is ready or not ready for what is taking place. Especially when we consider as well that multiple-incarnation theory is a strong likelihood (it is to me anyways), and that the lessons and experiences of one life may be harsh to that person (single incarnation) but very beneficial to the "whole" (higher self, spirit prgression, or whatever). However, I think that between a lack of insight into the greater whole (from the poerspective of something at least as high as a Higher Self), and our need to live fully our existence as a human, in the now (as it is perceived by us humans), it is often most prudent to look at events and happenings from the perspective of us, singular human, in the now.

    To wrap that all together, and to get on with my point, I don't beleive that just because a Kundalini rising takes place in someone that it means the person is/was ready- many people go in psycosis or even die from the event. If we knew that this was still positive to their greater self and existence, and could say- "it's ok they died because this was supposed to happen"- then maybe it would be fine and the statement that "it happens when you're ready" would be reasonable to make. But in my opinion, that which causes death in this life, without our express consent of it happening (and even then... ) is "bad." It's a value judgement I make, but I think part of being human- and whatever that means to us from a higher-up learning perspective, means that we have "be human"- and that means avoiding death, or strong maladies, or losing control of our minds, aka psychosis. And since all of this "negative" phenomena has taken place and been documented as part of Kundalini risings, I don't look at it as being a thing that only takes place in the most positive of ways or scenarios.

    However- this is all just my opinion, and it is based a lot of assumptions and value-based premises, so.... feel free to disregard if it doesn't vibe as correct to you.

  2. #12
    Kalonek Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by Rayson
    many people go in psycosis or even die from the event.
    Do you have any statistics ?
    I know personnally a dozen people having all different types of kundalini experiences, most of them without willing it in first place, none of which is in hospital or psychatric institute.

    The main problem with kundalini I think is that people think about it Gopi Krishna-style etc. They focus on the few mediatic difficult experiences when most of the kundalini experiences are smooth and without any problem - so we just don't talk about them ... It's a vicious circle in some way.

  3. #13
    One of the things that concerns me relates to something Robert said at the workshop. He said that one thing that is of primary importance before attempting is to be very balanced psychologically. This means that you truly know yourself, have spent years in intropection, discovered your negative sides and have dealt with all of it. I believe (hope?) that I have done everything except the last one. I don't feel that I've healed all my negative sides. I'm not sure anyone really can in one lifetime.

    Also, I once thought that I feared nothing. Whoa, was I wrong! After spending a little time in the astral and being confronted with negative entities, I definitely have not conquered all my fears. I really can't say which were real entities and which were made of my own fear, but they scared the livin' daylights out of me! Knowing myself, it's the not knowing if the ones I encountered were real or not. A couple of times, I just laughed it off, and it stopped. But, the last couple of weeks I've had major pricking. Is it negs or is it energy body development? The website Stephen recommended said that pricks were part of Kundalini. Are they? It's the NOT KNOWING that gives me pause. And, makes me question if I am ready for a raising. I don't really fear psychosis. The episode I had before joining AD with not being able to stay in my body would easily have sent a less stable person to the lock-up ward. As I said in my title to the post I made about it, it was EXTREME! So, I made it through that. It's mostly the fear that I fear.

  4. #14
    Rayson Guest
    many people go in psycosis or even die from the event.

    Do you have any statistics ?
    No- sadly I don't. I'm basing the statement on "Kundalini survivor groups," where I have read some horror stories, and also on the information that extremely talented mystics who I trust almost completely have told me (Robert is on that list). However- I don't have numbers, and it is second, or even third hand information, so I guess you need to take my statement with a grain of salt. Still though... I don't know- I'm still extremely cautious in regards to Kundalini.

  5. #15
    sash Guest
    I know of a significant number of accounts of people who have experienced Kundalini and it served as an improvement to their life in most aspects (no harm at all came from it).

    During several of these accounts people also experienced what Rayson termed the 'start-stop route'. This is quite common where the Kundalini will rise each night but only 1/10th for instance, and progress over several months to rise to 3/10th and so on...
    However it is also quite possible for the full event to occur in one instance.

    Nonetheless I still believe it is not something to be feared. Kundalini helps introspection along, you don't have to be enlightened prior to rising Kundalini since that would defeat the entire purpose.
    You have to have done some introspection, however psychologically as long as your are able to let go of certain preconceptions as a result of the awakening it should not cause problems.

    It is common to end up in a psychiatric hospital if you have not studied psionics or spirituality and suddenly feel a massive amount of force start moving through your body. Most people would say you are crazy too (and indeed this exact symptom is listed on most schizophrenia factsheets).

  6. #16
    Kalonek Guest
    Rayson, you are right, it is always good to be cautious with unknown matters, but not overly though.

    Quote Originally Posted by Painterhypnogirl
    One of the things that concerns me relates to something Robert said at the workshop. He said that one thing that is of primary importance before attempting is to be very balanced psychologically. This means that you truly know yourself, have spent years in intropection, discovered your negative sides and have dealt with all of it. I believe (hope?) that I have done everything except the last one. I don't feel that I've healed all my negative sides. I'm not sure anyone really can in one lifetime.
    If your kundalini raising is the same as mine (start-stop), don't get too concerned about this. I had not done a lot of work except NEW for a few years before it happened to me, and in fact it is the process of the kundalini itself that helped me deal with my issues, and not the other way round. But not very hardly, everything went smoothly and naturally, I felt it on the moment as a totally natural evolution. It's still happening in fact.

    Aso, I did not get any major neg problems, no more than usual at least.

  7. #17
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Perth Western Australia

    Re: Stopping Kundalini?

    Patty Imho there are precursors sort of like false labour pains which prepare the womb for birth . I feel that this is a preK event for you . I suggest this one will complete its path before the full moon which is the on the 10th of July I think . You could meditate on this to prepare the body . I find that if I raise energy when I feel a K event coming on it eases the discomfort and the visions are filled then with light and love instead of anxiety . You can also control it somewhat choosing the time of release by raising energy and sitting in trance . So go with the flow .
    ~*~Love , Light & Laughter ~*~

  8. #18
    Thanks, Aunt Clair. I was hoping you'd see this and respond. What you are saying makes sense to me. I had another spike? two nights ago, but it's not happening every night. I seem to have lost my fear just by talking and asking about it. So, I'm just going to go with the flow.

  9. #19
    escogido Guest
    Uuu,I missed that part of workshop-psichology thingy.Darn*,oh well..too late.Learnt it myself about it

  10. #20
    I changed the subject of this thread. Since I accidentally deleted my own OBE log I thought I might record what is going on with me and our friend Kundalini. Hehe!

    Last night I had another episode of waking up with K. rising. I discovered that I could stop and start it at will. So, I played around with it for an hour or so. Still couldn't get past the solar plexus chakra. It made my crown chakra go all crazy again...something I've been trying to control. Now, it feels like my brow and crown are fused. When one is activiated, I can barely tell the difference because it feels like one big chakra from my ears all the way around and up to the top of the crown. Very discombobulating. Off to do some more grounding and will lay off energy work for a bit until I get more physical. Getting tired of the feeling of light headedness and energy flying straight up and out.

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