Quote Originally Posted by CFTraveler View Post
you can only tell who is who (projection or astral being or projected human) by feel and/or communication, because the physical appearance may not be what they're 'supposed to look like'. .
Interesting! I just watched the movie 'What Dreams May Come' for the first time and found it interesting that the main character (portrayed by Robin Williams) didn't recognize his own children until certain memories and feelings came back to him -- because his children took on a completely different avatar.

I have not read about this aspect of reality/appearance in books about heaven/afterlife/NDEs. Everything I've read so far talks about deceased loved ones looking exactly the way they did, just younger/healthier/better looking. But I did read somewhere that in 'dream state' (I guess another term for lucid dreaming or astral projection), you might look into a mirror and see an ugly version of yourself.