Of course, I shouldn't assume that the illness was definitely a result of the energy work as could be a completely unconnected bug.
Of course, I shouldn't assume that the illness was definitely a result of the energy work as could be a completely unconnected bug.
Remember the golden rule.
Take a break until you feel completely okay, and then return to the work.
It sounds like you have a virus.
The eBook is not included with the program, not as far as I know anyway.
There is a free ebook, and the program manual containing supplemental material. These become available in the download section once the trial is over. If you want earlier access to the download section, where you can download the entire program, email the help desk.
Robert Bruce
Great program, Robert. I've heard about the kundalini and astral projection, but this is the first time I've been exposed to some training materials on kundalini. It's very exciting and I realize it does take persistent effort for many years. I've just started on the videos covering the Essentials and I'm realizing that there will be many exercises to practice during the "1 hour a day" meditations. My question is whether or not to do all the exercises or select specific ones to focus on. I guess at this point, I'm trying to think of an organized way to approach the learning and development process.
Also, I think I noticed some time delay in the videos between your mouth movements and the sound of your voice. Maybe the audio and the video are out of sync.
The minor lip sync issue only happens on some systems during streaming. If you download it this disappears.
I am gathering feedback and the program will evolve through this.
I will likely create a program type guide for beginners. I did not do this because there are so many variables. Some people are experts at body awareness energy work already, and some are not. Some are expert meditators, some are not....etc.
My best advice, for a beginner, is to practice all the basics until they become doable, then more on to the more advanced practices. My books, Astral Dynamics, and, Energy Work, contain structured training. Probably the VERY best, for a beginner, is my book 'Mastering Astral Projection: 90 day guide' and the 'Mastering Astral Projection: audio CD companion' is also a great help as this voice guides you through everything, learning energy work, altered states, etc. These are completely different products.
The 90 day guide starts at the beginning and gets you going right away, then slowly introduces new practices each day, building on what has come before.
The audio companion is a 6 CD set that voice guides you through the basics and literally takes you by the hand and leads you through everything you need to approach more complex practices.
the energy work itself does not require altered states to learn and practice. You can do this while you are wide awake. So this can be started immediately. Altered state meditation comes easy to some people, but is more difficult for others. These are the basics you need to practice first in your daily regimen.
However, some people take to this type of work like a duck to water and will progress very rapidly. The main hurdle here is to make time to do the work for at least a couple of hours per day. Turning off the TV, you will find, frees up a lot of time.
Robert Bruce
G'day Robert,
First. Words will never describe the eternal gratitude I have to you, for this and your other works.
I have to date found the following tech issues with the program. I have download it all so hopefully any issues stated are not to do with my VLC player and is an actual issue, in any case I hope the feed back helps.
There are some grammatical errors in the Supplemental Material Version 1.00. Hard to list where. I would be happy to highlight them in a PDF or in word if you wanted to send to me, your call.
In rk_s06 @ 17:20 - You are cut off mid sentence. (what were u going to say!)
@ 17:20 - Following the cut off the sound goes out of sync for the rest of this recording
@ 27:04 - Your Voice all of a sudden becomes very echoed
Still got allot to get through so will let u know if I spot anything else.
Cheers mate.
Thanks for the constructive feedback.
The part where I was cut off for a few seconds....I did not say anything important. It was something that was also said elsewhere.
Unfortunately, there's no easy fix for this. But we have tracked down the problem and it was the audio connection that was faulty. We will fix this by getting a pro video camera with XLR mic connection for the next program. And we may reshoot some parts of the rk program, too.
peace, robert
Robert Bruce
Hey mate,
Have finished listening to the program and reading the supp material and have found no other problems.
Please let me know when you have updated some of the video portions, if you are going to, so I can download the new ones.
Other then that thanks again.
Sending Love and Light,
When we make any changes to RK I will post it here. if you are subscribed to this thread you will be notified.
btw, our next program is called DADA....'Defense Against the Dark Arts'
peace, robert
Robert Bruce
There are some grammatical errors in the Supplemental Material Version 1.00. Hard to list where. I would be happy to highlight them in a PDF or in word.