I have no idea where else or who else to ask but hopefully someone related to this forum community can help. I often go gambling and my favorite game is roulette, the game where the ball spins, and you have to guess which number out of 38 spots it's going to hit. I often try to feel for the number. I've notice though, once in a blue moon, I'll ask myself inside my head, will it be number, say 5 and then bam, there's this strong burst of energy in my gut, as if I had been punched there. It's as if I ask a question and then I recieved an answer from my solar plexus, from some higher power source. It's happened a total of 5 times and it's an experience beyond just coincedence. I asked a question and then I recieved an answer.

My question is, how do I get better at this ability or connection towards being able to ask a question and feel that energy pulse inside my gut? I want to call it clairevoyance, but that's too often referred to energy dealing with the 3rd idea, but this is a strictly a gut feeling. I've read a lot, but I've never heard anything directly referring to this phemonon. I mean, I've heard the phrase, gut feeling, but usually that's in reference to someone feeling just leaning one way or another, this was a feeling, of just absolutely knowing.

And yes, I've read Inner Vegas, which Joe Gallenberger talks about hemi sync for opening up his heart chakra to increase one's chanes of winning and I've done some intense heart chakra meditating before, but it's only been my gut area that I want to say, have received communication. And I do have some hemi sync audio material, but that hasn't seemed to help.

I want to get it to the point where, I can ask a question and receive an answer back regularly through my gut/solar plexus. Any clue on how to go about doing such a thing?

And on a completely different subject, I have this book, supposedly translated from something ancient, that talks about how, if you focus on sending heart energy to your third eye and then sending energy from the third eye by visualizing an energy light connection between your third eye and the object you wish to move, you can move the object. I wonder if this is sort of what hemi sync helps people do when they talk about telokensis? (Sorry about the spelling mistake )