Very valuable post, worth to quote (again).
First of all, it is not "to have" (victim orientation), it is "to choose" an illness (winner orientation).
So the question should be:
what people on this forum would do if they chose cancer experience for their lives
This also suggests the answer... read on.
I'm not going to share any experience on something that I have not experienced myself, as requested. But I don't think it does matter. I also don't do any researches other than those which are practical to me in a direct way, nor I trust the scientific method in giving such practical clues in a reasonable amount of time, as it has been a mental design / framework for a different purpose. I may share only what I see from my childhood about an ill people.
Every illness is an effect, not a cause. People constantly forget that. People on this forum as well.
Human being is a multidimensional being, and the physical is the last dimension of the manifestation process. Illness must occur on non-physical level to manifest itself - there is no other alternative.
Every illness has a certain pattern.
Recognizing the pattern is your own, personal way to healing.
It is particularly a mental pattern (more than any other pattern). Cancer is especially an explicit manifestation of mental patterns - patterns reflected in your thoughts-patterns, and then in personality. It's easier to see patterns in others than in selves.
When I look at people with advanced cancer, I can see the very similar pattern about them. I can see a mental and emotional deeper "sorrow" - which may take a form of sadness, frustration, depression, big life disappointment (like betrayal), heaviness etc. From my view, cancer is a pattern of taking your youth-forces, energy and joy away from you.
A strong emotional attachements are typical candidates for a mental cancer to happen. They reflect the patterns of our believes, which in turn create (manifest as) our energy patterns, which in turn manifest the physical body.
A person who suffers from cancer first went through a personal "trauma" experience (clearly seen in his or her non-physical presence) - which is in fact something that "weakened" his or her fundmental believes: like a belief in others to always support him or her (and the disappointment could take a place in a form of a betrayal of a loved one - typical for women, from the parents, etc.), or being cheated in a life project (I believe that Steve Jobs could suffer from that). This is the pattern that has been challanged at some point of life (likely to happen in a time of a difficult astrological influences), the pattern that was very deeply rooted in the personality and personal believes - typically unconscious ones.
These patterns handle the flow of life energies from your spirit. Cancer is simply a mental and spiritual factor that blocks the life energies coming, so that they stop to flow and not replenish the (normal) negative forces out from the body - the natural process that is present in a healthy body.
This of course at the same time indicates the cure (healing): the opposite pattern. The pattern of healing is one of an honest lightness, joy, freedom, putting the thoughts into ligher and happy areas. IMHO cancer is a very mental illness, more than most of other illnesses (like flu).
How to achieve that? First of all, don't force yourself to the opposite extreme; instead, allow natural healing, joyful process to emerge naturally by your firm and constant (re-)focus on the aspects of life that are of the qualities I mentioned - the opposite to the ones that disturbed the healthy pattern.