This thread is going in the wrong direction...

so I just want to clarify the first point I made (if you also resonate with this statement) is "you are not afraid to die". If this topic makes you uncomfortable, skip the thread.
All things considered, the thought of having cancer is something that produces a lot of fear/concern/worry in people. This thread is not really meant to dwell in that realm. It is more of, accepting a certain reality of life that happens to some people for x number of reasons (physical, emotional, spiritual, environmental, lifestyle, genetics, etc) and that because we're on a spiritual journey of growth/development (as IA56 pointed out), what are PRACTICAL ways to approach this.
To go even deeper as to why I'm asking, I felt something "out of place" in my body over the past few weeks while doing energy work. I have the genetic factor and strong family history, but honestly, I don't feel fear or worry. It's not like I'm constantly dwelling in thoughts/fears that will eventually manifest that fear (LOA). I don't fear cancer/death, but I have two young children and a husband who is on a different spiritual path/journey. Matter of fact, he is a scientist, more specifically, an oncology researcher for a major pharma, and relies on hard data when it comes to any kind of medical treatment. Basically, anything related to the spiritual aspect of health/healing is pseudoscience. So if cancer were to be diagnosed, I'm most certain that he will pressure me to do a form of treatment I don't want to do.
It would be one thing if my own health/thoughts/reaction/choices affect only me but that's not how it works most of the time with cancer patients.
That said, this thread is NOT about me. It's a philosophical question to get a discussion going, so again, if this topic makes you uncomfortable, you can skip this thread.