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Thread: What would you do if you had cancer?

  1. #21
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    Re: What would you do if you had cancer?

    Quote Originally Posted by BW
    I'm not willing to go there, not even for the sake of a forum thread.
    I'm with Bttrfly here. I can't even read this thread, in the same way I must stay away from WebMD. I can't let these sort of thoughts into the rich earth of my Mind where my imagination will take hold. Like BW, I have made myself sick over and again simply dwelling on being sick.

    I'd give you some examples but I'd rather not - 'not even for the sake of a forum thread'
    Matter is only mind in an opaque condition; and all beauty is but a symbol of spirit.
    - E Hubbard

  2. #22
    Join Date
    Aug 2013

    Re: What would you do if you had cancer?

    Richard, Why Do you write å at all,javalinar wrote, if you find this thread uncomfortable, plese skip the thread...right? Love ia
    Core Affirmation: I am loved and I am worthy,
    I am safe and I am free.
    I am powerfully protected.
    I am master of my body and ruler of my mind.
    By Robert Bruce

  3. #23
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    Re: What would you do if you had cancer?

    Quote Originally Posted by IA56 View Post
    Richard, Why Do you write å at all,javalinar wrote, if you find this thread uncomfortable, plese skip the thread...right? Love ia
    Well, on my screen .....had cancer didn't appear. Yes, I would not even have come by if I'd seen that WORD.
    Matter is only mind in an opaque condition; and all beauty is but a symbol of spirit.
    - E Hubbard

  4. #24
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    Re: What would you do if you had cancer?

    Alright then, I'll play along.

    If I learned I had cancer (and I've thought of that of before) I wouldn't do much of anything. I wouldn't turn what little money/property I've left over to doctors and hospitals. Besides, I've already given my daughter my major assets so there's not much else. So I wouldn't fight it money-wise.

    I would like to square my social accounts before I go. Funny, I might re-marry my Ex just because I've known her and loved her longer than anybody else (save my brother). Since our divorce neither of us have re-married - and she's a pretty gal, hard to believe.

    Within the last six years I've lost two of my best friends to cancer. One was very graceful about it and I would like to do as well. The other had a more difficult time and, I suppose, the process was in fact, more difficult.

    There aren't really any fences to mend. Perhaps one, but she refuses to speak to me. I text'd her two nights ago, but no reply. My family loves me and they know I love them, so nothing to do there.

    Bottom line, I would simply lay me down. But if that became too arduous, I definitely would consider self-euthanasia. Above all, I put my trust in the perfection of the Universe and pray for a quiet and unremarkable death.

    [Highly recommended: The Tibetan Book of Living and Dying by Sogyal Rinpoche]
    Last edited by eyeoneblack; 14th November 2013 at 04:07 PM. Reason: after thought
    Matter is only mind in an opaque condition; and all beauty is but a symbol of spirit.
    - E Hubbard

  5. #25

    Re: What would you do if you had cancer?

    First of all anyone who has cancer GO SEEK Medical ATTENTION, and get a proper diagnosis. Then when you know what you are dealing with it is time to change your life. Completely rid your life of all distraction video games, tv, are battling for your life at this moment, and if you wish to help this world than you will need your your health!

    But just so you guys know cancer is not a death sentence, medical science has improved so much. And yes it is expensive (depending on your country) to get treatment, but you should always do your own research. And that means breaking out the biologoy books yourself and reading about exactly what processes are going on in your body that cause the disease to happen.

    Some great resources are
    - Novocure ttf cap
    - Bob beck protocal (, use products from sota instruments)
    - Soylent

    Continue to eat healthy, exercises, and focus your entire MIND<SOUL>BODY on getting healthy. Continue to meditate, master robert bruces spiritual programs and live your life the way it is ment to be lived. But the most important thing is to focus, Focus and concentrate with everything you have and fight this battle and win!

  6. #26
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    Re: What would you do if you had cancer?

    First of all, atsguy, your presumptions are unfounded. I live by the Grace of Heaven and I shall die so. Did I fight Life when I was born? It wasn't easy I'm sure (but I can't remember). Will I fight death? Even less so.

    I'm satisfied. Not too old (62) but I have no regrets - have lived a superlative life materially and spiritually - the way I see it. When my ticket for this physical journey expires I'll be happy to take the bus outa' here and hope for a speedy return.
    Matter is only mind in an opaque condition; and all beauty is but a symbol of spirit.
    - E Hubbard

  7. #27
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    Re: What would you do if you had cancer?

    This is the thread that keeps on giving. I must say I didn't expect this much interest.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  8. #28
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    Re: What would you do if you had cancer?

    There aren't really any fences to mend. Perhaps one, but she refuses to speak to me. I text'd her two nights ago, but no reply.
    She text'd me tonight. She was drunk, but I'll take it! We'll meet up tomorrow. Sad, both her daughter and one of her bf"s were diagnosed with cancer and her other bf has had multiple surgeries. Life grinds on. I really hope I stay healthy.
    Last edited by eyeoneblack; 20th November 2013 at 09:56 AM.
    Matter is only mind in an opaque condition; and all beauty is but a symbol of spirit.
    - E Hubbard

  9. #29

    Re: What would you do if you had cancer?

    I would prepare a plan to stimulate body mind and spirit to heal itself.
    This would complement the medical attention I would receive.

    DIET - By putting incorporating the following into food on a weekly basis
    Tamarind (sweet)
    Ajwa Dates
    Hemp Seeds
    Diatomaceous Earth (for detox)

    Training the Mindset to encourage the buds of love and gratitude for everything in my life
    Find light and Laughter as often as possible amongst friends.
    Finding time to sing each day
    Finding time to give each day
    Be utterly determined to move towards optimal health. Feel the inner strength and inner love to live in connection to everything

    EXERCISE - Routines (with wiggle room for variety each day)
    Stand up Yoga (Peter Van Daam)
    Reverse Aging Meditation (Quantum Touch - Alain Herriot)
    Reverse Aging Meditation ( Caves of Power - Sergio Magana -)
    Use of a PandoraStar Device to encourage Healing
    Use of Overtones to sing the tone of each Chakra
    Use of a singing bowl for healing frequencies
    12 Colour Meditation (Quantum Touch)

    There is another natural plant tool that can be added to the daily routine which has anecdotal evidence of its effectiveness. It cannot be discussed here.

    Create all of this as a routine and connections to friends to make life purposeful each week. Give my entire consciousness the chance to manifest optimal health.
    No fighting cancer, no beating cancer, no getting angry at Cancer, just loving frequencies throughout entire consciousness.

    All of the above almost sounds like an awakening to the way that life should be lived.
    Last edited by sanatogen; 29th December 2016 at 11:14 PM.

  10. #30
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    Re: What would you do if you had cancer?

    No fighting cancer, no beating cancer, no getting angry at Cancer, just loving frequencies throughout entire consciousness.

    i was contemplating these idea, as i was busy sorting my old bedroom.

    i found a round green sparkle & also a Turkey shaped gold sparkle, i picked them up.

    Myself & my 3D physicalized Simulation WOrld are congruent with your statement

    " the core of spirituality is to optimize your personal evolution" ~ Robert Bruce

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