Quote Originally Posted by CFTraveler View Post
Well, as far as I know stimulation of the pituitary gland is what causes 'beyond preprogrammed growth'. I wonder if energy work would be useful for this, if someone wanted to try it. I really wouldn't advise any other method, though.
As I have mentioned before, I was a standing member in a Kriya meditation 'society'. One of our most potent meditations involved concentrating on the pituitary - bringing the 'light' into it and letting that energy build before throwing the energy back over the corpus callosum and transmitting it to the pineal.

So. Over the years, I never noticed anyone growing taller and feel safe in saying that did not happen in adults. As for the youngsters - they're growing anyway. No conclusion there.

I will add, however, that at 5'6" I have always admired and been a little envious of tall people. Being short has its advantages though - beds are always long enough, chandeliers are always high enough, furniture is big and comfy, shoes last longer, I'm just the right size for my Mini, etc.

Strangely, perhaps, I have always found tall women to be very attractive.

But there is no sense in arguing the benefits of being tall!

As for me, no violins here for somebody 5'10".