Hi Robert,

I really need your advice.

I posted originally here Kundalini Blissful and Terrifying: Entity Attachment

I am having some some success with light therapy. As you suggested, strong exposure to sunlight and flashlights are helpful. I use a strong bike light (170 lumens) to the abdomen and exposure to the sun on sunny days. It has built some kind of apparatus in there.

I've had two sessions with two really gifted people specializing in removing attachments. Both found a couple of parasites but not the main attachment. But is it real.

What might be the reasons that they can't see it?
Could you recommend someone skilled at finding this?
Or, do you feel pretty confident that I can really drain this thing out.

It has begun to make tight restrictions around the heart area at times. I can feel where it is and it's movements. I'm not completely frightened but I'm cautious that it doesn't escalate.

By the way I totally support Kundalini.
