I decided I want to know all about my past lives so that I can resolve the things that need resolving, and so that I have a better idea of who I am, and therefore what I want to do. I wanted to for awhile, and I became inspired by "The Haunting Of.."
I requested "the most recent traumatic event before my daughter was killed in the 50s". I was in a classroom. It was some time pre-industrial revolution. I am a girl in her teens. I am carrying heavy books. The other children picked on me, even hit me. They called me a witch. But she wasn't a witch, I deeply felt her energy, she had the white light I sometimes feel now, she was a kind and innocent girl. I saw someone tied to a pole being burned. (Hold on, you are getting ahead of yourself, I say, what about the rest?) As the girl I go into the woods to visit an old woman. I am not sure of the relation with her. She is teaching me about herbs and telling me stories. She looked like someone people would call a witch, in the vision there was a darkness connected with her. The villagers believed the old woman was a witch, and I was her apprentice.
I realize this is the reason I cry so hard whenever innocent magical people are persecuted or harmed because they are misunderstood.

Outside meditation I noticed an uneasy presence standing on my left. I decide to not be afraid. It is the old lady. I have a talk with her about letting go and forgiving, how I have had to do it so often. I tell her about all the wonderful destinations, and I escort her away.
I notice something else behind me, also dark and uncomfortable. It is a tiny person about 15 inches tall. I talk to him also, It seems to be an earth being, I help him to reconnect with the roots of the earth.
I realize that the ghost who had been haunting me and my brothers family had just such a tiny person with her. Hopefully there wont be any more haunting. If there is, I now know how to approach it.