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Thread: Luke's Dream/etc Journal

  1. #31
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    Feb 2015
    Southeast Alaska

    Re: Luke's Dream/etc Journal

    Theres nothing wrong with being tired, everyone needs to rest some time.

    You need to tell me what the illusions I believe are.
    If you perceive them from the last dream entries, you should know, my brother and I realized today they started the same time our friend stopped taking his meds which caused a bad schizophrenic episode. We were letting him come over out of sympathy but we should not have. He touched my head. His energy was physically painful to me. It is very likely he was the cause of the dreams, and they might have had nothing to do with me. It is very common for that kind of cross-over to happen. The only way I can know this or that thoughts or problem is not mine but someone elses is if it is very out of character for me and/or has no other identifiable cause. I knew from the start it was external. Once the source is identified it is no problem. Many people have problems with cross-over, especially healers.

  2. #32
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    Aug 2013

    Re: Luke's Dream/etc Journal

    Quote Originally Posted by mystyx View Post
    Theres nothing wrong with being tired, everyone needs to rest some time.

    You need to tell me what the illusions I believe are.
    If you perceive them from the last dream entries, you should know, my brother and I realized today they started the same time our friend stopped taking his meds which caused a bad schizophrenic episode. We were letting him come over out of sympathy but we should not have. He touched my head. His energy was physically painful to me. It is very likely he was the cause of the dreams, and they might have had nothing to do with me. It is very common for that kind of cross-over to happen. The only way I can know this or that thoughts or problem is not mine but someone elses is if it is very out of character for me and/or has no other identifiable cause. I knew from the start it was external. Once the source is identified it is no problem. Many people have problems with cross-over, especially healers.
    Thank you for telling me this, it is crusial and yes, you did take over his feelings, and you felt your own chortcommings and you doubted your abillity, it is very common to healers, of course.
    Well, there is nothing more to say. Keep up the good work.

    Core Affirmation: I am loved and I am worthy,
    I am safe and I am free.
    I am powerfully protected.
    I am master of my body and ruler of my mind.
    By Robert Bruce

  3. #33
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    Feb 2015
    Southeast Alaska

    Re: Luke's Dream/etc Journal

    I've had a lot of problems with implants and cords and such I wanted to know why: In a dream I was told who and how. They spy on me constantly and attack the things I love. So that they would not know I wrote the dream in code:

    Scriptures all masculine now. Have to be during war.
    Sees through eyes, hears through ears. Attacking all. Phone lines connected through bore holes.
    The customers blind and gag themselves and so, the same to their phones. Laughter and joy is beyond the reach of the devil. Satan is above the air.

    Dream: I was speaking to two pastors. One is the pastor of the Protestant church (I know & I like him, hes an ex lawyer and highly intelligent so I can have real conversations/debates with him). The other pastor runs the Baptist church. I never met him and never went into his church in the 30 years I lived here because I sensed it was not for me (im 34). I told the Baptist pastor my problem. Both pastors and their friends all laughed amusingly about my miserable story. (Its a tactic high energy people use to diffuse negative energy). "You want to be free from them?" (oh great, incoming religious dogma' I thought) "They are called *******. They hear with your ears and see with your eyes. Go to my church to be free from them."
    The two pastors were very close, not gay lovers in a sexual sense, but in love.

    When I woke I was perfectly clairvoyant, like I have often fantasized and wished for. I could feel the enemies looking through my eyes. They attacked and nearly killed my primordial soul. But just before they did I hid it in pure darkness. I dont have any idea where it is. It is still hard to believe any being could attempt such evil act.

    I went to the baptist church today (sunday) I hoped that it would be psychically enlightening, but the thought that the pastor's HS could be drastically different from his earth self did cross my mind. Despite being on main street the church only had 9 or so people there. The energy was pretty suffocating yet the group was extremely close and informal, talking during church. In fact it felt like I was walking uninvited into a family dinner. They were obviously surprised to see someone new but tried their best to make me feel welcome. The pastor was bald and older than his dream double, but otherwise looked the same, he has the same eyeglasses.

    We started with some songs. They were pretty bad, choppy songs. But the pastor let us choose songs.

    I did not know any of them but immediately knew I loved 'It came upon the midnight clear.' The song would be beautiful sung by anyone and helped me connect to my real self. It took me 1/3 of the sermon to realize his horrible singing, annoying speaking voice, and apparently low intelligence was not a ruse. At one point his aura beamed gold, during the song I chose. I understood it as his HS trying to come through. It seemed he was more under the foot of the same enemy than me.

    There was little point listening so I shielded the church and placed guardians at each corner and flushed the place with water. After church we had a 3 hour conversation. I was concerned he would flip out about the fact he invited me in a dream but he was open to the idea (of course I didnt mention his true self is gay).

    While not looking I wrote the things I kept secret from my own eyes and gave him the note. I do not see the point of keeping it all secret as they surely already know, but I thought I would leave it up to him to decide what to do.

    I could see glints of his HS, like in his attempt to break away from religion and try to embrace a personal relationship with Christ. And his effort to be humorous (his HS is big into it). He said all the other pastors and priests dont like him. When I mentioned the pastor of the Presbyterian he said he didnt know him (odd?). I think im suppose to help him and therefore me as well. I know people can sometimes end up suppressing their HS when they suppress their homo sexuality. It seems like an impossible task for ME to change a baptist minister. But I feel really bad his HS is so separated.

  4. #34
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    Re: Luke's Dream/etc Journal

    Im gonna be real for a paragraph. I realize most of you dont care, and that is great! Perfect. Youve probably noticed I mainly just post the either really good or really bad dreams. My apologies for that folks. I suppose the reasoning is because I want to post good dreams b/c I want to share the experience and give something fun to read about. I post the very worse ones because I want them interpreted to fix problems. But the main reason the gnarly dreams are posted is it is an old habit of 'humbling myself before others'- I see is not helpful; being humble is the same as being boastful.

    This is called dreams etc journal because dreams, visions, even waking life is all part of the same picture for me.
    I just simply didnt put any of the other things included in "etc". The following little meditation thing. It is nothing big but im putting it because theres all these astrally knowledgeable peeps so if you can explain I'd like to hear.


    Previously I had investigated Quareia. The moment I connected I saw/heard the word Artemis. That led to some interesting things. Apon research Artemis is the original and very ancient Greek version of the Roman goddess Diana. I have a lot of similarities with Artemis, probably the most striking is that she had Zues keep her a virgin forever. I have been looking for a new name for years. Today I calculated my numerology using the first name Artemis. The numerology was of course magically flawlessly perfect for what I want. I like to investigate so dedicated my meditation time.

    Meditation inquiry
    I went to investigate the name. I was in a place that must have been Olympus, the place had a lot of agreeable heavenly colors, and white stone work. I was standing before a brazier of golden fire. The name was connected to it. For quite some time I called out for the owner of the name, while blocking fakes who wished to come instead. There was no reply and I had a persistent feeling of vacancy. I felt tempted to drink the brazier of golden fire, but I wasnt certain what that would mean so I wanted to investigate further. The rest of the meditation was all info about the presumed Olympus. It was an isolated module floating somewhere 3/4 of the way up the astral.

    That make sense?

  5. #35
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    Re: Luke's Dream/etc Journal

    This past week I went to an observatory show in which they talked about some of the myths in relation to the constellations. It was fun and educational, and for some reason your dream reminded me of it.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  6. #36
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    Re: Luke's Dream/etc Journal

    I havent been giving dreams much attention (very unlike me historically). I spent much of last night thinking about breaking the Kooshtaakaa curse. Not something someone should normally think about when falling asleep. My guess is this dream has some guidance in regards to it. The dream I remember took place in an ancient Egyptian cliff city, similar to Petra. I was "excavating" it. I think I was 90% after exploration and 10% looting. There was open hallways, but every room was a hidden room. They all had secret door entrances. I had already opened a few doors previous to the dream, these ones the many artifacts inside were intact. But now I was just guessing where there might be a room and breaking through the walls. However, when I would break into a room it was near impossible to keep from destroying everything within because the entire room was unstable when opened this way. I would get to see the artifacts within for a second, then they would all shatter and be scattered in pieces across the room. The only thing I collected was quartz crystal knives and arrow heads. I had armloads of them.

    Upon waking I realized that, in the simplest possible way, torment can trap souls. It is like someone holding your hand over a flame. It would take a zen master to not focus on the flame and the pain. If the pain is interrupted for even a moment then the soul can escape.

  7. #37
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    Re: Luke's Dream/etc Journal

    (not dream Last weekend I was doing fish camp for 3 days. The same camp where me and my brother met the hellish black snake kushtika.
    The first night I had my brother and our dog "Bucket" with us. There was big time bear action all night, it sounded like a violent bear orgy near us on the river. Bucket didnt make a peep the whole time.
    The second night my brother could not camp with me, and I did not trust Bucket to protect me from bears and other scarier things. So I asked to borrow my sisters dog, "Sira" who, from previous experience I knew would give her life to protect me from bears and kushtikas, because she loves me so much. The bears were silent. The night was unusually quiet and had that high empty stillness to it that seems to push out the normal atmosphere. Something that seems to happen when half-otters are around. The only sound was that from some slow moving creature going up and down the river flats making an unfamiliar call most of the night. I wasn't very scared because I had the ultimate protection and thought it was some bird that only came out at night. But I had to return Sira the next morning.
    The third night I had no dog, I was worried. I would be doing fish camp over night all alone, without protection. My brother gave me his sword- the official bear and supernatural monster slaying weapon.

    A few minutes before my brother and his fiance left some dog I never saw before just showed up- Obviously someone still loves me and looks out for me.

    I was creeped out since I started camping at the spot. This night was no exception. I was after-all sleeping right next to the willow my brother said he saw the creature staring at us from.- He never told me that, only that he felt something staring and he heard high pitch laughing for about an hour. According to legend it dislikes metal, so I stabbed knives and swords into the trees and ground around camp. I imagined they were at the corners of an iron wall that went around the camp. The corner of my tent was slightly outside this imaginary boundary but I didnt think it was a problem.
    I couldn't sleep. The night was silent other than some constant nearby chirping at ground level. I was sleeping with my head near the corner of the tent. The chirping got closer, the animal jumped and scratched against the tent right where my head was. I thought it was a bird trapped against the tent but realized it was a mouse. I dont know what it was thinking or how it knew my position in the tent. Whenever I was about to fall asleep it felt like I was getting pulled out of my body, like I was going to have an OBE. I dont remember the last time I went out of body, so normally I would be for it, but not at this spot, where I met a creature known to be a soul stealer. So I tried to stay awake, however, I eventually fell asleep.

    I was in some kind of fantastical watery heaven. I went there with 4 others. It is hard to describe the place because nothing was solid. Everything flowed. There was a lot of pastel colors that blended and flowed in this beautiful moving mosaic. There was about 5 feet of water covering the landscape. I swam and played as gracefully as a seal. My feet didn't seem to be able to keep up with my hands, like I needed fins for them so I could reach my full gracefulness. There was a feeling of freedom, flow, and joy. My companions tried to keep up with me but they were far less adept and graceful. The water seemed much too shallow for me, but it seemed to be just right for them. I appreciated our differing skill level, not in a competitive or egotistical way, but because they validated the grace of my motions. Streams of colorful light glinted and danced off us as though we were made of streams of light and our movements caused them to unwrap from us and dance in the air. The sky seemed to be full of multi-colred dancing streams of light, they also flowed and skipped across the waters surface.
    It is unusual that in the 'dream' I knew I was somewhere special and I looked and explored all of it with the enthusiasm of a child. Even more highly unusual is that I could see everything clearly and in great detail. Anything I focused on I could experience the full beauty of and know it deeply, without blurring out everything else. I have been to heavens before but it was always like I was looking through a tube with bug screen taped over one end. And I've never had total freedom in experiencing heaven either.
    I felt that the water heaven was an illusion, like playing a game or reading a book, but also that everything is an illusion.

    (Not Dream)
    The afternoon of the dream 4 canadians showed up at the river. They acted like they knew me. Especially the charming blonde who seemed very familiar, and who I got along with as if I knew her my whole life. It seemed like she kept studying my face. They were a whole lot of fun, and funny. I told them that I didnt have anyone to protect me from bears, and the dog just showed up, that I'm lucky like that. "So they sent you a dog" she said - I wonder why she said "they" (I have always wanted to thank whoever is responsible for looking out for me) but I didnt think to ask until they left. "I thought you were coming with us" she said. It wasnt until later I realized that they were all in the dream. I didnt want to look for them because in the off chance none of them remember being in the water heaven. And then I would just be a crazy person following them.

  8. #38
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    Southeast Alaska

    Re: Luke's Dream/etc Journal

    I had a dream about the life of a woman. It doesn't seem like it was an earth life. More like her life as a spirit.
    She was a wonderful person. I admired her goodness and love.
    However, she was accused of a crime and banished forever to something like a maximum security solitary confinement for spirits.
    It was a small rectangular floating platform about 5 by 4 meters made of weathered stone bocks. There was a dead tree on one end, and a decayed stone throne on the other. There was a land mass far below of unknown size that she could see but not reach. She was dressed dramatically in a heavy ragged hooded cloak. The thought of her being trapped on a small island like that sent me into a panic. I felt that it would somehow destroy her. The intense divine energy she possessed could only go two ways, to something intensely benevolent pure and ecstatic, or be twisted and beaten into a dark and desolate form.
    She began lamenting a haunting song. She sang about her life, the downfall, the tormented imprisonment. Within was the hopeless sound of a dying star, but also a hidden flame of burning vengeance. Her voice vibrated and echoed through the air in an ethereal way that I cannot describe. It was the final song of a light about to go out, and she etched it throughout the universe so that it would not be forgotten.

    I was unbearably distraught by her story.

    I woke in a panic suddenly at 3:30am to the feeling of something watching me. I did not see anything, but there was something there, all around me.
    I immediately thought it was the white skinned vampire woman. A year ago she woke me in sleep paralysis every night for 5 days in a row to suck my blood, each time was less terrifying. The fear got into my subconscious and resulted with insomnia. My brother told me him and his GF were having problems with a creepy ghost staring at them from the closet, when I asked for a description it exactly matched the vampire woman.

  9. #39
    Join Date
    Aug 2013

    Re: Luke's Dream/etc Journal

    Quote Originally Posted by mystyx View Post
    I had a dream about the life of a woman. It doesn't seem like it was an earth life. More like her life as a spirit.
    She was a wonderful person. I admired her goodness and love.
    However, she was accused of a crime and banished forever to something like a maximum security solitary confinement for spirits.
    It was a small rectangular floating platform about 5 by 4 meters made of weathered stone bocks. There was a dead tree on one end, and a decayed stone throne on the other. There was a land mass far below of unknown size that she could see but not reach. She was dressed dramatically in a heavy ragged hooded cloak. The thought of her being trapped on a small island like that sent me into a panic. I felt that it would somehow destroy her. The intense divine energy she possessed could only go two ways, to something intensely benevolent pure and ecstatic, or be twisted and beaten into a dark and desolate form.
    She began lamenting a haunting song. She sang about her life, the downfall, the tormented imprisonment. Within was the hopeless sound of a dying star, but also a hidden flame of burning vengeance. Her voice vibrated and echoed through the air in an ethereal way that I cannot describe. It was the final song of a light about to go out, and she etched it throughout the universe so that it would not be forgotten.

    I was unbearably distraught by her story.

    I woke in a panic suddenly at 3:30am to the feeling of something watching me. I did not see anything, but there was something there, all around me.
    I immediately thought it was the white skinned vampire woman. A year ago she woke me in sleep paralysis every night for 5 days in a row to suck my blood, each time was less terrifying. The fear got into my subconscious and resulted with insomnia. My brother told me him and his GF were having problems with a creepy ghost staring at them from the closet, when I asked for a description it exactly matched the vampire woman.
    Hi mystyx,

    I get 2 strong feelings from your post....

    The first....cultural inprintment....and the second.....souls are not more developed then we see people around us....nothing is for ever...than eternity...Before we have reached the eternity...we will learn....and be inprisoned as we be here on Earth when we comit crimes...and even we have not comitted any crime sometimes be accused wrongly....the only dimension what is different is the eternity...what is the real World...there is no evil what so ever...unti we have become pure LOVE..we struggle and suffer so to speak....all growth is pain.

    Core Affirmation: I am loved and I am worthy,
    I am safe and I am free.
    I am powerfully protected.
    I am master of my body and ruler of my mind.
    By Robert Bruce

  10. #40
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    Feb 2015
    Southeast Alaska

    Re: Luke's Dream/etc Journal

    One of those dreams that are theatrical, like a good movie, and fun to read later. But I didnt write it down this morning due to being jaded from cool dreams, I pretty much forgot it, but I'll write what I can remember, because I should be writing them down for writing books later.
    I was in a machine, like a subterranean ship boring through the crust of the earth. We passed through some caverns along the way, some of them had big crystals in them. We came to a large cave system deep down. There was a whole race of bipeds living in that set of caverns. My perspective switched to them. They didnt have eyes (far as I remember). They had large heads with a large flat slope from snout to top of head and slumped over posture. Their skin leathery and brownish grey. They were tribal, they had primitive tools. They considered us a threat and gathered on the far side of a deep gorge. There was a hierarchical split in thier society I think it had to do with age, or race. I say that because some of them were large and equiped with metal weapons and bling, but then I saw one such person/creature pull up a small one, and hand him a club with the intent of sending the small, ill equipped ones at us first. Anyway, I dont remember it very well

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