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Thread: Can someone explain what is this?

  1. #11

    Re: Can someone explain what is this?

    Hello , i m new here , i have the same feeling you re describing , in fact i couldnt describe it better myself .
    I can "discharge" this feeling at will creating it in all my body that feels really electric , its like you almost know its some kind of energy when you do this , altho it depletes over 1-5 seconds and then i cannot "discharge " it again for a while

    i remember when playing with this feeling long time ago for a longer periods i was able to discharge longer and more often .
    never did i try to focus this on any of my energy centers tho , and at that time i didnt know much about chakras anyway

    You gave me some very interesting ideas about that , and now both me and you , know , that we re not alone in this , many thanks!

    about that white clouds at night , same here , but when i meditate at night without any lights on i can see those white sparkling clouds of energy all over my room , sometimes its so intense i cannot clearly see the surroundings even , but i need to be really relaxed , because when something disturbs me the third eye shuts down for a moment

    and btw i have tremendous problems with sensing energy in my body , its like a year maybe as my trying to do new energy ways system still mostly fails , or is really unsatisfactionary , for most of the time i thought my energy centers are so cluttered that i cannot sense practically anything in my body . Now its making kinda some sense to me , idk if its right but it might be that my senses are more vision based that tactile based? and i have affinity in seeing energy rather than feeling it ? it makes sense as when trying to make a ball of energy between my hands i see sparkling dust all over them many times

    hope my small wall of text helps , and if someone have similar experiences , or know something more about this please share the info

    peace and love

  2. #12
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    Re: Can someone explain what is this?

    It is quite possible that you are more visual than tactile. Have you done any training to refine this viewing ability?
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  3. #13

    Re: Can someone explain what is this?

    today is the first time i started thinking for real it might be that i see energy instead of feeling it , like the first time it made sense to me and most of the pieces of puzzles started to fit together . before that what i heard was that its very very uncommon to see energy , and i should see some eye specialist , or that it is from computer screen (what i proved wrong , because there was a time recently that i didnt use computer for full 2 weeks and still had the same view at night )

    so no , i didnt train it , dont know how i could train it even , i know how i can make it appear tho , just by focusing on my third eye energy center makes it come . well its pretty amuzing tho when you wan to go to sleep , and you have clouds of white sparkling dust lingering in the room that you can see even with eyes closed , and they arent static , it all moves like a sea with weaves , but its like seen from beneath the surface of a ocean

    would be awesome if i can somehow refine this into something more practical , and/or train it to be more on demand , any ideas how something like this can be improved ? and even how i am supposed to do energy work if my sensing is based on vision ? its even hard to visualize a ball of energy between your hands when all of sudden when you do it a clump of white glitter appears between them an in a matter of secconds it dissipates with a pulsating glow into the air , or is drawen by my hands and dissapears in them ?its really hard to visualize anything when something is moving and changing all the time in the place when you re gazing :/ idk if what i write is clear , or understandable , its hard to explain
    and i know forming energy balls isnt much of energy work in terms of training your energetic body , but i cannot feel energy consistently anyway , ah how much i tried past this year is just .... frustrating

    so any ideas how can i do something with this ? , and anyways thanks for responding , it is a big deal to me , and i m greatful already for this thread , and for the people who re participating in it , i think i might be getting somewhere finally

  4. #14
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    Re: Can someone explain what is this?

    There are various ways to enhance energy work with visualization- however, don't expect to get a specific result, instead 'see what you see' when you are doing the exercises.
    It is fairly common when first doing tactile awareness to feel the tingling (or just body awareness) when you work the feet, legs and hands- but when you start working the trunk in general, and the chakras in specific, sensation will not be as strong. This doesn't mean you can't sense energy, it means you're normal.
    There are ways to magnify the sensing of the energy if done in a certain position (which I can illustrate in another post) if it helps to get more feedback- but you don't have to 'feel' it strongly for it to work, if you can successfully imagine energy going through, say, your arm, just imagining it moves the energy. You may or may not feel it, and there are ways to feel for it.
    One way to enhance the feel is to imagine the energy is either water or fire-(or air, earth is a bit more difficult) for example, if you are 'sponging' your leg, and you don't feel anything, you can 'see' (in your head) that the sponge is full of cool blue water, and it may help with getting feeling. But remember, feeling is feedback, but having the awareness of the body part is by itself proof that something is happening. So add visuals to your energy moving, and see if this helps making you feel that it's working.

    There are various exercises, some taught by Robert, that help you improve your 'third eye (visualization) skills if that is your strength, and I can make a list so that you can add it to whatever your routine is.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  5. #15

    Re: Can someone explain what is this?

    many thanks for the explenations CFTraveler , yesterday i already had major breakthrough with the things i wanted to achieve , its having more and more sense to me , as i observe whats happening while practicing energy manipulation , and now i m 99% sure my sense of energy is based on sight , or at least is really polarized in that direction

    the best proof that i m visually sensing energy is that yesterday , when i was first time really confident that my energy centers arent blocked and i can actualy do something , i did manage to create an energy ball , and as i thought none of the popular methods described in most guides around the internet do it the way i need to , to achieve the same .

    And the best part , the energy clump ( well, I cannot call it a ball really ) was made of the same particles that i normally see at night , and i was able to create it at will couple times yesterday

    Still a long way to go before me , but at least the worst is now over , i hope i m not sounding here like a 9 year old child , but i m excited , well , exciting times ahead

    many thanks !

  6. #16
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    Re: Can someone explain what is this?

    If you do your energy exercises in dim light (not complete darkness, and not bright light either) you will find that your peripheral vision is amazing (as in, you can practically see through your eyelids without even being in trance) and energy movement will enhance this sense.
    That's my first exercise for you.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

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