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Thread: Success Stories

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Aug 2013

    Re: Success Stories

    Quote Originally Posted by Robert Bruce View Post
    Well said.

    A difficult topic to discuss, because to discuss it 'can' take you further away from the core you seek.

    When you strip away all the layers of ego and programming, something is revealed. This is not a glorious super being. It is the essential you that you have always been, since before you were born.

    I have spent many hundreds of hours pondering this. I still ponder this extensively. And after many years I continue to make progress in my understanding of what I am, who I am, where I am, when I am, and why I am.

    And the programming we all have is more than extensive. This is 99% of who we are. Not much is left over once you prune it all away. And by 'pruning away' I do not mean that it is permanently removed. I do not think this can be done. But when you become aware of it, it loses its power and influence.

    I have wallowed in my programming, rather than trying to suppress it. I have done this in order to 'see it' more clearly. To see in what part of 'me' it exists. This is counter-intuitive and not efficient. But, again, it allows me to see it more clearly.

    I have been who I am since before my birth. I am the same mind, the same person. I call this aspect 'me'. Everything that has been added since then is window dressing. But this is important window dressing. it allows me to interact with this world and to be who I am.

    Programming and habit are extremely efficient. Anything new is a struggle until it becomes a habit through repetition. Then it becomes easy, second nature. This applies to 'every' aspect of life, from riding a bicycle, to reading and writing, and to thinking and reasoning.

    My current focus is on the question 'What part of me eats popcorn?' and what can I learn from this aspect.

    This is important because 'me' and all my other aspects, including my divine aspect (my higher self) share the same body and mind. They are so closely integrated that this 'collective' appears to be who I am. But this is not 'me'. The 'me' is my eternal aspect. It is what all true spiritual seekers seek. But it is too small and insignificant to warrant much attention, not until everything else has been examined and discarded. Only then does it become important, because there is nothing else left.

    So, my questions are...."What aspect of you performs the action of... eating popcorn?"

    ...and... "Why am I craving popcorn right now?"

    peace, robert
    Hi Robert, I´d like to ask you about your saying: I have been who I am since before my birth. I am the same mind, the same person.

    Are you saying you have only bean a male person from the begining?? Or what do you mean by saying...I am same mind, the same person??

    Core Affirmation: I am loved and I am worthy,
    I am safe and I am free.
    I am powerfully protected.
    I am master of my body and ruler of my mind.
    By Robert Bruce

  2. #12

    Re: Success Stories

    My memories go back to inside the womb, and to before I entered this body. I was mind, neither male nor female. I could think and I was aware. It would not matter which body I entered, male or female. I would still be what I am.


  3. #13

    Re: Success Stories

    Good method. I just tried it. Very interesting effects.

    I've done similar things, like a mini plank around say my head, but not quite as you describe. The rolling ball action works very well and feels natural.


    if you look at how the brain works, it functions 99% of automatic with 'sub routines' performing all the necessary functions, from cellular repair to heart beat and temperature regulation. The brain tries to make as many things automatic (habits and muscle memory) as possible to free up CPU and RAM for consciousness and thinking. This appears to flow into the outer world as well. If you look at the world, 99% of the people in it are like zombies running on automatic, while only a small percentage of humans actually think outside of the created reality we call 'normal life'. The saying 'as above, so below' relates here. 'As without, so without'. This fits in with the purpose of life, which of course is 'evolution'. Its almost like humanity is a single entity, and it can be related to how the body and mind and brain work together.


  4. #14
    Join Date
    Aug 2013

    Re: Success Stories

    Quote Originally Posted by Robert Bruce View Post
    My memories go back to inside the womb, and to before I entered this body. I was mind, neither male nor female. I could think and I was aware. It would not matter which body I entered, male or female. I would still be what I am.

    Thank you Robert Bruce, I have also these memories, and I did change my gender before birth, my mother will never forgive me for this, because she did be so sure me being a boy, and I did change to girl before birth, in this world it is so easy to be male, but it is the female´s who need help to become ecual with I did change my gender. Many who do not know my gender does believe me being a man ...when they feel my energy...

    Core Affirmation: I am loved and I am worthy,
    I am safe and I am free.
    I am powerfully protected.
    I am master of my body and ruler of my mind.
    By Robert Bruce

  5. #15

    Re: Success Stories

    Wow, I really need to spend some time on the memory tracing techniques so I can have memory like this. Eidetic memory would be a great thing to affirm for!

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