Hey hey Bob,

Its strange though, in the highest peak experiences that I have had I am everything that is, the planets and all the life forms that there is, but in those moments time stops and it seems such an information overload that no focus can be made on any independent existence including my own.. I guess more training would be required in this area to have the expansion with the ability to use it?

I suppose the closest example I could give of it would be when you have overlapping memories of the same time period, like with OBE's but on an incomprehensible scale (a limitation of the mind and physical body no doubt).

The saying "Man, know thyself." is a very deep saying. To me the more that I know/become my true self, chip away at the layers of the onion the belief's and limitations imposed from childhood there is less to know.. I can know and either dismantle or build additional layers to the conditioned experience I have become but that is only knowing the mind and the ego.

So I guess the real question is.. is there a self to be known or should the saying be "Man, just be." or "Man, you are" It appears that "Man, Know thyself." literally means that there is no man to know and once you realize that and have it as a constant state you would be in a very nice place.

All the best.