Yesterday night, When I went to bed to call it a day, I've decided to attempt OBE before I sleep. I laid into my bed, relaxed mentally and physically, entered an altered state and did stimulation on my energy body. After a while, I found myself deeply relaxed. I mentally thought "I'm ready." and immediately started feeling vibrations on my heart chakra. In time, it got more intense, but it was nothing too much. Then it started spreading all over my body and before I knew it, my whole body was throbbing in sync with my heart chakra. A few seconds passed in this state, and it started to stop, legs first, head last. I then thought about it if I had a separation. I tried to see through the "eye" of the other body, all I saw was a purple-black vortex for each of my actual eyes. Dunno if it really was related to the other body. Then I decided to end this, I started to pull it back. After a few seconds, I've started to feel the vibrations again, and felt it going right back into me. I didn't recall any memory from it(myself?) though, so I don't really know what happened to it(me) while it(I) was out. I wonder how can I take it to the next step.

with love, TheSingular