Hello everyone!

I've been working alot on the LOA subject, yes I've got some successes about it, some success in life in general, getting a small but good reoccurring income without the need of working and more is coming in, I'm very grateful for it!.

I started by being very skeptical about the LOA and not believing in it, it turned out that the universe sent me proofs of it, yes I do blindly believe in LOA now.

I've basically have read a ton of books regarding this universal law, so this is the plan I want to play to get more success & attract more abundance in my life & hopefully in yours too.

1) Meditation: I think meditation is a key factor for manifestation, you'll be less vulnerable to bad thoughts that will attract more bad thoughts, also when you are in the Now, there's no resistance, that means you are attracting what you really want. I meditate 1 hour before going to bed & 1 hour in the morning, I do use binaural beats in case there are some noises around.

2) Creative imagination: Before going to bed, I use my imagination and visualize my dreams & desires in the Now, I really focus on emotions and I try to make them as vivid as possible, this is said to reprogram both your conscious & unconscious mind.

3) Permanent Gratitude: I'm Trying to be grateful 24/7, I wrote a long list of the things I'm grateful for, I meditate on them daily and the list keeps growing, this will distract me for the things I'm not grateful for and also being grateful for something brings more of it.

4) Afformations : They are basically affirmations made in a question style, I usually write them in a sheet, then record them with some alpha waves music in the background and I listen to them daily, I also read them with intention daily. special thanks goes to josh who made me discover them .

5) Affirmations: I do the same process of afformations.

6) EFT I've tested this technique, its simple but really powerful, it can change your conscious & subconscious beliefs in a matter of seconds, I use it for painful memories/emotions & to reprogram myself in a specific topic for example relationships, I first do a negative serie of tapping, for example, tapping my collarbones: "I am worthless", or even in an afformation form like "WHy I'm worthless?" Then I do a positive series, example, tapping my eyebrow" Why I have so much value?" "I have so much worth & value". I combine EFT with ho oponopono sometimes, after stating the affirmations I simply repeat "I'm sorry, Please forgive me, thanks I love you"

7) Progressively reprogramming the subconscious Mind : This is another cool method, as you know there's an emotional chart finishing from fear and building up to Happyness/joy etc, I identify my current emotional state of my own dream/desire, I write about it in that emotional prospective, then I keep telling that story until my subconscious get used to it, then I move to the next emotion and I repeat the process, till I reach the top of the chart.

Channeling an high Guide Sometimes we don't even know why we are not getting any success & or we dont know how to really proceed, its said that a good spiritual guide will help you in the process, so why don't give a go to channeling?

That's basically it, I also recommend you to ignore your current situation if its not really pleasant, If you are in a bad starting position then it'll be a bit harder to move ahead, but stick with it and you'll make it.

Let me know what you think, I'll let you know how things are going for me.