Quote Originally Posted by IA56 View Post

About the energy as we both have experienced for me it is when I hit a "new" area or not familar to me, it does feel like this energy preassure in my head or can felt other places too, but when it is on my head it is a new area, if I feel it in my body it is a blockage.
It felt like a blockage to me too, I just couldn't say so before.
Quote Originally Posted by IA56 View Post

All did ease when I read/listened to Dr Karim...I have felt so alone about reading shapes or trying to understand them, I first thought I was crazy to feel or get undestanding from shape´s and I have tried to ask but as I have noticed I have a big disabillity in communication and I fail everytime I try to talk about these thing´s...but by Dr Karim I feel it is real, and it is more people feeling/understaning this reality, I have still to relese me from the boundaries what I have put on myself by believing in others who say I am sick and crazy..I have to re-learn this first to become free again, and dare to think freely.
I am so happy today, and I know this is short lived because of the common attitud, what is possible and not...the negativity is draining and weighten me down, and I loose all my energy and feel like I am slowly giving up and dying, instead of feeling energized.
I got new hope by Dr Karim, thank you.


I haven't heard of Dr Karim so I don't know about him/her. Also at most times, being crazy is actually being different from the current society and conflicting with said society. It doesn't matter what they do is ethically right or wrong in this case. That's why I keep most of the things I do a secret from people around me, and I'll reveal them to only those who are like me, or when a certain time comes. (When I'll be ready for it, which I don't know but think will be in the next ten years from now, or earlier if possible.) Even with my secrecy though, I'm mostly considered as a "weird" person to people who know me closely enough but I manage to stay in that society by my willingness to help people (I don't do this to stay in the society but because that's a part of who I am) and by keeping a general positive attitude towards everyone unless they start to behave very negatively towards me, at that point, I choose to stay away.

Against that negativity that drains you I'd recommend two things. The first is a shield that deflects any incoming negative energy and keeps it out. The second thing I can recommend is a purpose. Find yourself a good purpose of life and stick to it by any means. As long as you stick to it and remind yourself of it you'll stay strong. Mine is to simply evolve myself spiritually and helping other people do this, so I can make this universe a better place for everyone. (yep, I've put that into my sig so I can remember it more often) Finding my own purpose has hapened after a dark year of my life(with a lot of negativity) and I'm glad that I could find it. I'm now drawing strength from it and whenever I think of it I feel myself ready for anything that life can throw at me. I feel strong, happy and I'm at peace when I think about it. So I'd recommend you to find your own purpose of life and to do it fast so you can prevent further negativity drains in your life.
A side note: Even than you will encounter such negative times in your life but they will be very rare and much shorter than before. They will last a few hours at most, nothing more. And the best part is they will not be as effective as they were and won't be able to pull you into that loop again. These times have also been mentioned in this forum before and are also known as "mood swings" but it's actually a wrong term to describe that. Don't remember where I've seen it before though.

So, until next time,
With love,
P.S: Btw check this out: