Teaching spirits called Mahatma and Ascended Masters come to those who are ready in altered states of consciousness such as in dreamstate or meditative trance. How does one attain a state of readiness ?

Sitting in meditation in dim light in throne asana in sacred chamber after drawing energy down and up the spine, the desired state will be entered. Then, the mystic may evoke or simply attend those who will appear.

In order to see and hear Mahatma and fly in projection to Shamballah, the mystic
needs to develop their energy body and their siddhi abilities. This is done through pathworking; energy flow and energy use.

Begin with energy work, healing of self and others, daily meditation, hatha yoga.

Continue with reading avidly , seeking lucidity in dreamstate, journaling ones metaphysical experiences and removing energy blockages with good thought, good words, good action. Follow on with Raj Kundalini Yoga.

Anyone who sits in routine meditation will develop the basal clairvoyance available to all in dreamstate to the point that they will learn to see. If we draw energy to the brow centre and use the brow centre to see clairvoyantly, we develop stronger energy centres which are more capable and we learn to see clairvoyantly better.