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Thread: The Science of Compassion / Greg Braden

  1. #1
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    The Science of Compassion / Greg Braden

    Lately I've been watching Greg Braden's talks on Youtube.

    Also picked up two of his books and listened to many different audio programmes on my ipod. All up, probably listened/watched about 30 hours of Greg Braden material, some of it repeatedly, as he covers a lot of topics.

    Official Site

    The core of his teachings is combing the ancient wisdom traditions, such as teachings from The Essenes, Tibetan Buddhism, texts from the Nag Hammadi library and Dead Sea Scrolls (and others texts/traditions) with modern day Quantum Physics.

    He has travelled extensively, and talks on Quantum Healing, The Feeling is the Prayer, 2012 / World Cycles / eras, The effect on the Earths magnetic field on human beings, the frequency of the Heart, Schuman Resonances, Prophecy of Isaiah.

    One of the central teachings /practices he promotes is "The Feeling is the Prayer" (10 min video below).

    Bottom video is over 3 hours long, talks about most of Greg's topics, great viewing, enthralling!

    Anyhow, watch at least one of the 10 min clips for context, and then you will have context for the rest of this post etc.

    "Heart based feeling/emotion produces chemical changes in our own bodies, which produces a quantum effect that affects our physical world."

    The emphasis on the prayer/healing/quantum state Greg promotes is from the Essenes

    "When the three become one"

    Thought produces an emotion, the emotion produces a feeling in our bodies (thought / emotion / feeling combined), these combined speaks the "language of beliefs, the language of God" at the quantum level.

    Examples of this technique has been used for bringing rain to dry climates by tribal cultures, spontaneous healing of diseases, Quantum intention eg Manifesting, and various other uses.

    Video on spontaneous healing of cancer

    Specific points Greg makes that are often unclear or not mentioned in Western wisdom traditions:

    *Thought alone has very little power, saying affirmations over and over has no real effect

    *Thoughts combined with strong emotion produce a scientifically measurable effect on the body, specifically the amplification of the electromagnetic field of the heart

    *Combining the heart and the brain together, creates a more powerful field than using either one by itself

    *Prayers (the kind that make it rain) are not external movements or speech or ritual, but internal states that resonate a particular frequency and communicate to the Quantum Field / All That Is. The prayer is invisible

    *Whether healing, manifesting, affirmations or whatever, combing the heart/brain/ body feeling produces far more powerful results than not combining these energies

    *"Thoughts are the directing force, the emotions are the power source"

    Also, he has the hair of a 70s Rock god!
    Last edited by John Sorensen; 20th March 2014 at 06:49 AM.
    “Vision without action is daydream.
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  2. #2
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    Re: The Science of Compassion / Greg Braden

    Hi John,
    Thank you for sending this post about Gregg Braden. I have known this but forgotten because of hardship of life, and there is no one els to blame then me...I have listened too much of negative people...but now when I am re-remembered what I do know I will start to strengthen me with my old knowledge...I am in happy tears here now...a big hug and huge THANK YOU

    Core Affirmation: I am loved and I am worthy,
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    By Robert Bruce

  3. #3
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    Re: The Science of Compassion / Greg Braden

    I'll say, John, Braden is the only person I've 'met' that could create/reproduce the graphic on the left of "the feeling is the prayer", the one that represents energy flow of the water paradigm.

    Two things. Note the representation of the Kundalini, the twin snakes from the right and left channels of the spine and how they meet at the crown. This is Kudnalini rising, firing to union at the crown.

    Note the flow of energy around and through the body. See how this represents the energy pattern of a magnet. More to the point, this flow represents an old dynamo - a coil of copper with a steel bar in the center. If you turn the coil electricity will be generated in the bar. If you put electricity to the bar, the coil will spin.

    A lot can be said about this, but like I said, I've never seen it represented the way I conceived it some years ago. I was going to give a talk to my Kriya class, but even at the mention of it, eyes would glass over so I decided 'wrong audience'.

    Much thanks, Richard

    Wonderful. This guy is worth knowing.
    Matter is only mind in an opaque condition; and all beauty is but a symbol of spirit.
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  4. #4
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    Re: The Science of Compassion / Greg Braden

    Quote Originally Posted by eyeoneblack View Post
    I'll say, John, Braden is the only person I've 'met' that could create/reproduce the graphic on the left of "the feeling is the prayer", the one that represents energy flow of the water paradigm.

    Two things. Note the representation of the Kundalini, the twin snakes from the right and left channels of the spine and how they meet at the crown. This is Kudnalini rising, firing to union at the crown.

    Note the flow of energy around and through the body. See how this represents the energy pattern of a magnet. More to the point, this flow represents an old dynamo - a coil of copper with a steel bar in the center. If you turn the coil electricity will be generated in the bar. If you put electricity to the bar, the coil will spin.

    A lot can be said about this, but like I said, I've never seen it represented the way I conceived it some years ago. I was going to give a talk to my Kriya class, but even at the mention of it, eyes would glass over so I decided 'wrong audience'.

    Much thanks, Richard

    Wonderful. This guy is worth knowing.

    I have no idea what the "water paradigm" is, can you please give a reference.

    I know next to nothing about Kundalini, so will not comment on that.

    Also, who is "Richard"?

    Are you saying you have or have not 'met' Greg Braden. I don't know if you are serious here or saying he is lying? Because of ' ' around the word met.
    “Vision without action is daydream.
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    Re: The Science of Compassion / Greg Braden

    Ok, maybe paradigm wasn't the right word - I'm only referring to Earth, Air, Water and Fire - the components of Spirit.

    Yes, Kundalini is purely Eastern. Notice the medical insignia made by the two snakes - the caduceus.

    Richard? I was just signing off -
    Much thanks,

    Richard (my name)

    'met' Braden. Only in the sense that your post introduced me to him. I am glad to know he exist and is promoting understanding that appears to be aligned with my own contemplations.

    I am referring to the first of the 3 images in "Greg Braden: The Feeling is the Prayer".

    Sorry, nevermind.
    Matter is only mind in an opaque condition; and all beauty is but a symbol of spirit.
    - E Hubbard

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    Re: The Science of Compassion / Greg Braden

    Quote Originally Posted by eyeoneblack View Post
    Ok, maybe paradigm wasn't the right word - I'm only referring to Earth, Air, Water and Fire - the components of Spirit.

    Yes, Kundalini is purely Eastern. Notice the medical insignia made by the two snakes - the caduceus.

    Richard? I was just signing off -
    Much thanks,

    Richard (my name)

    'met' Braden. Only in the sense that your post introduced me to him. I am glad to know he exist and is promoting understanding that appears to be aligned with my own contemplations.

    I am referring to the first of the 3 images in "Greg Braden: The Feeling is the Prayer".

    Sorry, nevermind.
    Okay, so you are referring to the 3 diagrams in the video. Thanks for clearing that up. And at long last the mystery of who Richard was is resolved, that was more pressing to me than who built the pyramids.

    I am familiar with some of the symbolism of Kundalini, but that path is not my one, so any experiences I have had/not had are of a different context.

    I do like reading Robert's comments on this topic as I feel that 90% of what is written in various books/programs etc on this topic is just junk.

    How many times have I read "ONLY by raising Kundalini" can you do such and such. And my thinking is no there is about 100, no 1000 ways to do just about anything. If some of the things (not Robert's material, other material) I have read were true, then I would had to have done all sorts of Kundalini exercises for such and such an ability or to do this and that with such chakra, but I've never done any Kundalini exercises, yet for me my personal spiritual evolution has been in leaps and bounds.

    Always I am for maximum understanding, not beliefs, but real knowledge of self, the universe, all that is. Everything else is just a distraction. Everything material is just a tool.
    Man exists physically for the sole purpose to develop spiritually, in my view.
    “Vision without action is daydream.
    Action without vision is nightmare.”
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  7. #7
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    Re: The Science of Compassion / Greg Braden

    I'm currently reading Braden's "The Spontaneous Healing of Belief: Shattering the Paradigm of False Limits", awesome book!

    Anyhow, wanted to share this from the end of the book (which also appears in some of his other works),

    Greg Braden 31 Belief Codes:

    Belief Code 1: Experiments show that the focus of our attention changes reality itself and suggest that we live in an interactive universe.

    Belief Code 2: We live our lives based on what we believe about our world, ourselves, our capabilities, and our limits.

    Belief Code 3: Science is a language—one of many that describe us, the universe, our bodies, and how things work.

    Belief Code 4: If the particles that we’re made of can be in instantaneous communication with one another, be in two places at once, and even change the past through choices made in the present, then we can as well.

    Belief Code 5: Our beliefs have the power to change the flow of events in the universe—literally to interrupt and redirect time, matter, and space, and the events that occur within them.

    Belief Code 6: Just as we can run a simulated program that looks and feels real, studies suggest that the universe itself may be the output of a huge and ancient simulation—a computer program—that began long ago. If so, then to know the program’s code is to know the rules of reality itself.

    Belief Code 7: When we think of the universe as a program, atoms represent “bits” of information that work just the way familiar computer bits do. They are either “on,” as physical matter, or “off,” as invisible waves.

    Belief Code 8: Nature uses a few simple, self-similar, and repeating patterns—fractals—to build atoms into the familiar patterns of everything from elements and molecules to rocks, trees, and us.

    Belief Code 9: If the universe is made of repeating patterns, then to understand something on a small scale provides a powerful window into similar forms on a grand scale.

    Belief Code 10: Belief is the “program” that creates patterns in reality.

    Belief Code 11: What we believe to be true in life may be more powerful than what others accept as truth.

    Belief Code 12: We must accept the power of belief to tap it in our lives.

    Belief Code 13: Belief is defined as the certainty that comes from accepting what we think is true in our minds, coupled with what we feel is true in our hearts

    Belief Code 14: Belief is expressed in the heart, where our experiences are translated into the electrical and magnetic waves that interact with the physical world.

    Belief Code 15: Beliefs, and the feelings that we have about them, are the language that “speaks” to the quantum stuff that makes our reality.

    Belief Code 16: The subconscious mind is larger and faster than the conscious mind, and can account for as much as 90 percent of our activity each day.

    Belief Code 17: Many of our most deeply held beliefs are subconscious and begin when our brain state allows us to absorb the ideas of others before the age of seven.

    Belief Code 18: In our greatest challenges of life we often find that our deeply hidden beliefs are exposed and available for healing.

    Belief Code 19: Our beliefs about unresolved hurt can create physical effects with the power to damage or even kill us.

    Belief Code 20: When our soul hurts, our pain is transmitted into the body as the spiritual quality of the life force that we feed into each cell.

    Belief Code 21: The same principles that allow us to hurt our- selves into death also work in reverse, allow- ing us to heal ourselves into life.

    Belief Code 22: Our belief in one force for everything that happens in the world, or two opposite and opposing forces—good and evil—plays out in our experience of life, health, relationships, and abundance.

    Belief Code 23: To heal the ancient battle between darkness and light, we may find that it’s less about defeating one or the other, and more about choosing our relationship to both.

    Belief Code 24: A miracle that’s possible for anyone is possible for everyone.

    Belief Code 25: In a participatory reality, we are creating our experience, as well as experiencing what we have created.

    Belief Code 26: In 1998, scientists confirmed that photons are influenced just by being “watched” and dis- covered that the more intense the watching, the greater the watcher’s influence on how the particles behave.

    Belief Code 27: The prime rule of reality is that we must become in our lives what we choose to experience in the world.

    Belief Code 28: We tend to experience in life what we identify with in our beliefs.

    Belief Code 29: For different reasons that reflect the variations in the way we learn, both logic and miracles give us a way into the deepest recesses of our beliefs.

    Belief Code 30: To change our beliefs through the logic of our minds, we must convince ourselves of a new possibility through inarguable facts that lead to an inescapable conclusion.

    Belief Code 31: The power of a miracle is that we don’t have to understand why it works. We must, how- ever, be willing to accept what it brings to our lives.

    NOTE: Could not be bothered typing them all out from my book, so I pasted from this blog:

    I'm interested to hear people's comments. Do you agree/disagree with these ideas, do any of them ring true for you, and if so, how?
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  8. #8
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    Re: The Science of Compassion / Greg Braden

    I read "The Elijah Effect" in my church way before the Secret and all of the other manifestation stuff came out, and liked it very much.
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  9. #9
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    Re: The Science of Compassion / Greg Braden

    Hi John and all.
    I am reading the book A Course in Miracles, you are reading Greg Braden, and CFT Elijah effect...different but same.
    I understand that there must be different ways to the same goal, because we are on different levels if I may say so, using levels when there is nothing like that in the real reality, but I am sure we have it here.
    I am so happy to be able to get same information from several ways or thoughts even they all talk or express the same end product so to speak.
    Thank you all I love you all!!

    Core Affirmation: I am loved and I am worthy,
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    Re: The Science of Compassion / Greg Braden

    That's metaphysics in a nutshell- aspects or 'ways' to the same 'place'- or 'non place', if you will.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

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