Mari, You will probably never understand why or what. This wonderful universe with its energy I believe will never be fully understood while we are living physical lives. We can read books, practice, experience, try to find answers, but guesswork is all that we can come up with in your case.

Maybe this wasn't the way it was supposed to end,or maybe it wasn't the way YOU wanted it to end, but end it has for this lifetime and acceptance is key for you or it will eat you up.
Be at peace to Know you have experienced this relationship that so many people in the world are still searching for. This is something that you must reflect on with positive thoughts and how lucky you were.

A lady once told me whilst sitting peacefully in church with her husband who was dying of cancer.

" I was wondering why the priest didn't call the partners to come up to the front along with those who needed healing. I was just sitting on my own wondering when I heard a soft gentle voice inside my head say


If only everyone who looses a loved one could hear that internal voice. Far more comforting and memorable than spoken words.

She found this very reassuring.
Be at peace with lovely memories Mari.