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Thread: is this person intentionally astral traveling into my 'dream'?

  1. #1

    is this person intentionally astral traveling into my 'dream'?

    okay a little bit of background info. I'm 20 years old and over the past couple of years I've realized that I am able to make myself dream of certain locations. This can be any location, to see how a person is doing or whatever the case, but the place I go MUST have some connection to me. (I can't just up and go to Hong Kong)
    I started doing this when I was 17 (but have been a lucid dreamer since I was a little kid) I moved away from my family and a best friend, and I was home sick. Before I would fall asleep, all I would do is consciously think to myself "I want to dream of so and so" or "I want to know how so and so is doing." I had success by doing this. I was able to go to a place, we'll call it Chelsea's house, and I was able to talk to her mom. A few things happened in the dream, and I told this person about it. They were creeped out because it was an accurate depiction of what had happened the previous night at her house. This was the first time I thought I was intentionally doing something and actually having success. I have had weirder experiences. For example, I have been able to dream of two people, and feel the energy, whether it be familial or sexual energy, between these people. I sometimes don't have imagery in my dream, but can hear people I know say something to me, or I can feel their own feelings, and then when that happens I am usually inclined to call that person, especially if I am getting a 'download' that theyre not in a good place.
    But for the reason I am posting this.... about five months ago, I was having a lot of doubt about 'meaning' in life. I felt that the universe and life itself was a ruse, and I was angry and disappointed. Before I went to sleep one night, I consciously thought to myself, "If soul mates are real, and I have one, I want to dream of mine tonight." I wasn't expecting anything. That night, I dreamt that I was standing in front of a lake at my college. An old childhood friend was sitting in a swing hanging from a tree, and I was just kind of staring and speculating. This person was now obviously and adult, but I didn't feel any attraction for this person in my dream. What was odd though, was that I said, "you know what? you should date me." We'll call this person 'B.' B replied, "in a couple years." And I said, "what, why?" and B responded with, "Just in a couple years." I woke up and felt confused....a little ambivalent. I haven't spoken to this person in a decade, didn't even know her anymore. I went on Facebook to see if we were friends, I found that we were. What I found was bizarre. We were alike when we were kids, but even as adults we are strikingly similar. I sort of blew this off, and thought that if it is remotely possible, then maybe we are 'platonic' soul mates. I really felt no attraction in the dream. A month later I dreamt of a canvas being painted, there was nobody in front of it, but color was continually being added, as though someone were painting it. When it was finished, it was a painting of B, her mom and her dog. She wasn't physically in the dream, but I knew she had painted it. A month after that, I had a dream that I was at her house, the dream was quick. I said "basically, Im your consciousness." Something yanked me from behind like I wasn't allowed to say that, causing me to wake up. A few weeks ago, I had a dream that I walked into a computer room and it was empty except for B. She was working on something it looked like, and I walked up behind her and hugged her. It felt real... Ive never had a dream where I've woken up missing someone. And I feel crazy. But it felt real... Two nights ago I had a dream that I was walking into a hotel lobby with five people sitting in chairs. I looked over and saw B sitting down. She was looking over at me smiling. I felt embarrassed in the dream because I was being allowed and I didn't know she was in it or that anyone was watching me. She got up and walked over and hugged me. I felt warmth all over my body, and it felt like home. I don't know how else to describe it. I knew that I was projecting, and said "I dreamt a while ago that you were gonna come back into my life." That's when she hugged me, and I felt something so intense that I woke up. I think this person is intentionally traveling onto the astral plane to enter my dreams. Is it possible or am I crazy

  2. #2
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    Re: is this person intentionally astral traveling into my 'dream'?

    It seems to me that, more than anything you're going to her, and not the other way around.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  3. #3

    Re: is this person intentionally astral traveling into my 'dream'?

    That sounds pretty obvious--I don't know why I didn't think of it like that. Maybe unconsciously sometimes? Because a few of the dreams I didn't tell myself to. The one that I wasn't expecting to see her in-- I never asked to go anywhere that night. But she was there.

  4. #4
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    Re: is this person intentionally astral traveling into my 'dream'?

    Your subconscious gets used to something and then it keeps doing it. That's how rituals work.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

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