I just had a new hairdresser come to my home to cut my hair. After a few minutes my cognition starts to slow down to the point where I found it hard to think of the words and communicate them. As she was working around my back I got sharp pains in my hip and lower back moving upwards.

I had to stop her half way as I was in so much confusion and was not feeling well. Since she left I have smudged my rooms and had a salt shower. I feel a bit better but feel very angry. I don't think this is mine. My husband and I was going out directly after but I am not well enough now.

I know I could have shielded myself had I thought of it, but didn't. My husband feels okay so why did I absorb her energy. I know how to shield myself but I want to know why this happens and why to some and not others? I am recovering from 4 years of being extremely I'll, this is the last thing I need and it's ruined our day. I don't think she was malicious in anyway but I could not bear to be near her.

Any thoughts greatly appreciated. thx