We'll this is my first post and I actually just made an account because I wanted to post this . I'm not sure if here is the right place to post this type of opinion or if I should have posted it on another forum category.
Well this will probably end up a very long post so I'm going to start right away :

So...what if every thing you know (or think you know) is wrong? Just like pretty much every person in the planet I'm looking for the Truth, the meaning of life, the meaning of my life , why do things happen and what exactly am I supposed to do in here. And sometimes I feel like I make progress and sometimes I feel like I make...we'll....less progress. But very often I have a feeling like I'm just wasting my time...Now let me explain something real quick first. Let's imagine the world is a virtual world (basically a video game) and you are this alien that lives in the "real" world and you are a tiered business man and you have had a VERY difficult week of work. So you decide to take a little vacation to the most popular place known on you're planet "The Virtual Planet Earth" . So you go to this video Game Center put on you're virtual reality helmet and log in. Now it would not be relaxing if you played while you had all of you're worrys of "real" life, so naturally when you log in you lose all (or most) of you're memory's momentarily . And BAAM !! You now have a whole life to explore ! And there's more! Not only are you able to forget you're boring "real" life for a whole "lifetime" but you even get to chose it . You got all these different "classes" (like in any RPG MMO ,role playing game, massive multiplayer online game) to chose from like : evil lawyer , the family man, the adrenaline junky or even the president class. But there's also the "dark" classes like : homeless man, gangster or rapeist. Oh yeah and psychic powers and the knowledge of the Truth is all just common knowledge in the "real" world .
Ok now back to what I was originally saying.
And what do we do here on planet Earth? We search for the Truth, we try to connect and communicate with the spirits and angels and some even with demons. But what if all of these spirits are just the technical support guys from this video game known as "Planet Earth" . You have been wasting you're life tryin go get back.....and the you finally make it . You reach "enlightment " and a magical ray of light takes you to heave.
OH wait ...did you just log off? And you didn't even make it to 60 years if age on earth . We'll FU@K . You decide to come back next weekend and try another "lifestyle" class maybe exotic dancer would be fun?

But you can communicate with angels, and you have. So why do they not tell you just to take it easy and enjoy life, after all it's just virtual and you can always come back next weekend. The thing is, they have .
One of the biggest lessons that they try to teach us is to live in the NOW. To be in total control (even if it's impossible) of yourself . To not worry of the future and don't get stuck on the past. Because they both do not exist anyways.
The thing is they can't tell you directly, because maybe this virtual world works in the same way as lucid dreaming...you know too much and POP you wake up.
Every time you communicate with them the give you helpful I information to continue living you're life. They give you good advice and protect you from "evil" . So you can continue with you're happy life....let's take a moment to think about what I just said : "To continue living you're life" .
They are not here to help you reach "enlightenment ", why? Because when you do you will "disconnect from the servers" so to speak .
I'm not saying that they just tell you random bull$i!! What they tell you is part of the truth. And are they not the ones that tell you to live in the Now or that the meaning of life is to gain experience? That is all truth.

If you have read all my nonsense up untill now, then you have my respect and I'm sorry for such a long post.
But I'm sorry to say that I'm not quite done.

ALIEN abdutions. Quite misunderstood in my humble opinion.
The poor guys are just the customer support and technical support teams. And everybody hates them and think they are going to invade the planet. How would that make you feel?
Personally having been abducted two or three times myself. Two of them where just visits to heal my body. I still have the scars on my back. And in the second one I actually gained consciousness. I can explain more of that on a later post if anybody actually cares.
i mean really most, if not all abductees report aliens messing around with they're body's. It's just that our brain makes us panic and we end up thinking that they are there to cut you I half. The brain is the most powerful equipment that the human has, so powerful that it can even create artificial love. Love of course being one of the most , if not most powerful thing in the universe. God himself being made of Love. Or maybe they are just another "class" In the video game, I mean really how cool it would be to be a dinosaur looking alien scaring little humans? Must be kind of fun actually. I mean there are countless real video games where you play as the "bad" guy.

We'll I think I'm done. I sure hope that at least one person will even bother with reading all of this. Even if it's just to tell me that I don't know what I'm talking about lol .

Also I have noticed that there are a number of people here that can communicate with spirits and/or angels. I'm looking for any information regarding a being called I2Ht2ERA . And if there is anyone, or anything with the name Sargoyl out there in the spirit world. That would be incredibly helpful to me, thank you.

Any questions will be gladly answered as best as I can.