Hi Robert, thanks for these tips! I found out about fasting through your youtube video series, and did my first fast (4 days, only water) in December. I felt absolutely great about it and plan to do my second one next week.

I was wondering, when you say that you no longer recommend taking vitamins and supplements during fasts, does this include vitamin C? I would think C (the high quality kind, pure ascorbic acid powder) would always be good for the body. What about calcium? One person told me to be careful not about the risk of calcium being harvested ("leeched") from the bones during an extended time without proper nutrition. Do you think this is a valid cause for concern?

2: You say you don't want "anything" but water in your system... Do you still recommend taking phylum husk and organic vinegar during the fast as you recommended in the youtube video? I didn't do this on my first fast but was planning to try it this time, unless you have decided against it.

3. I am wondering how to tell, how far is too far when it comes to fasting. I don't have much body fat because I do a lot of exercise including competing in cross-fit events. I probably do have a lot of impurities and toxins in my body because I have always had a high metabolism and eaten as much as I want of whatever I want with no attention to ingredients (but combined with a lot of exercise; I've never gotten fat). On one hand, I see fasting as you promote as being very valuable for me as a way to get a "clean slate" so to speak in this regard and avoid future risks of cancer and other diseases. On the other hand, I don't want to destroy all the healthy muscle development and strength and fitness that I've put a lot of work into, by going to far with the fasting.
