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Thread: Focus 3 Stage & Focus 10

  1. #1

    Focus 3 Stage & Focus 10

    2 questions please:

    1) How do I know if I entered focus 3 stage? Brain and mind are in sync - what exactly is that?

    (Since years I have been into pranayama, locks and find resonant tuning similar to ujjayi pranayama)

    I did resonant tuning and cleared my mind from thoughts. Is that the focus 3 state?

    And thanks to the Gateway, I find this awesome experience. Before this I have been trying many binaural and isochronics, but I find this special and useful because of the exercies and visualization

    2) Can I reach the focus 10 state while sitting? I easily entered focus 10, body asleep and mind awake while lying down, but did anyone reach focus 10 while sitting with spine, head erect?

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Sweden, Stockholm
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    Re: Focus 3 Stage & Focus 10

    Hey SpiritGuy!

    I have used Hemisyn quite alot. I'll try to answer your questions as best i can.

    1) I never felt much from Focus 3. In my mind it just prepares your mind and body for the oncomming stages and I usually I don't give it much thought but instead focus more on Focus 10 where all teh stuff happens for me. For me it just calms me down, calms my breathing and sets the stage so to speak.

    2) Yes you absolutelly can. I have done it several times, but I find it much easier lying down. If you want to know more about Focus 10, SEE HERE.
    Last edited by SiriusTraveler; 24th April 2014 at 01:20 PM.

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Re: Focus 3 Stage & Focus 10

    Just to add- focus three is just a relaxed state in which you know what you're trying to do and are taking steps to do it. Once you get to focus 10 is when you begin to get into a trance state.
    ps. ST, Fred was nice enough to give us a writeup to this article, so it should be hung somewhere around here too, or in the OBE R & D subforum.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

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