gday robert. i don't know where to start really. i have been on a spiritual path since i was 18. i am now 23. i am now a reiki master as well.for the past few months i have experienced what started off as derealization. this world is doesn't even seem physical anymore. things wobble almost... and it makes me dizzy. there is a website on awakening i will link you -

i am not sure if that is a legit site to you on your experiences or not. but i match everyone of them for years. before i go on i want to say i have been checked out and i am 100% healthy. i do howeer have paralyzing anxiety at times. but im 100% sure its energy related. i am an empath and highly sensitive person. the doctors said i have autism but i really hate labels. i landed in a nut house last year because i am having events everynight now where i absolutely feel like the cheese is falling off my cracker. it is severe. i can't begin to explain how severe it is. when this happens i check my chakras with a pendulum. my crown chakra is so open at these times and i cant tone it down. all my upper chakras are usually way overactive. so i thought alright... let me check my solar plexus sacral and root. well i did this and they were closed. so i did reiki on them. i been doing this for about a week now and the symptoms have gotten worse. during these events i have short term memory loss. literally i can't remember what i was doing 2 minutes ago. i am stuck in the now. which isn't a bad thing... i even am trying to remember really hard events that have happened to me and i cant remember them. this is mind boggling. i feel so goofy all the time. i am staying away from energy work for a while so now i take nature walks and try and live in physical reality. i keep doing reiki on my lower chakras because im always ungrounded.

well now tonight i did this and for the past week i noticed sometimes at night my root chakra will tingle. the whole area. it will get really active. now it feels like a tennis ball is inserted right on the tailbone area. and its just staying there. its very uncomfortable. i get massive energy rushes lately that are incredibly uncomfortable. they are just so powerful. last night it happened so hard i started hyperventilating in my bathroom floor. i felt so clueless and lost. this is the most painful thing i have ever gone through. i will get these surges in my head where it feels like my brain is firing off 1000x faster than normal. this triggers fight or flight and i end up gasping for air shaking miserably. the head pressure gets so bad that i lay in my bed and i cant move my head. it is very hard for me. i don't have epilepsy. i have been tested for everything and i am 100% healthy. this evening i had a energy feeling on my tailbone and its so uncomfortable. i have never forced kundalini so if it does happen it's because it's spontaneous. it's almost like i am not ready. i really fear what may happen if i raise my kundalini. like i fear if it raises spontaneously in public or something. and i cant control it.

i really need your help. i am saving up for your kundalini program. i had a kundalini spike as a kid and it hurt like the dickens. it felt like i was hit by lightning or something. i really hope that raising kundalini doesn't hurt like that.

i do sifer from horrible anxiety robert. but i am doing progressive muscle relaxation, and really working on deep breathing and relaxing. i also do reiki for anxiety but now i am scared to even go there because these energy phenomena make me feel so loopy i honestly lose my cool with everything. if i was in public they would haul me off to the mental house. the only medication i am on is xanax and i am getting off of it super safe and slow so i dont have withdrawls.

i am really working on relaxing because i know thats making things 100x worse but. sometimes my heart center feels really strange and i literally cant breathe. as a sensitive this is awful feeling. i also cant look at a tv sometimes or my eyes burn. same with cell phones or any light source. i cannot drive now because there is too much going on and it triggers anxiety. i am literally bed ridden. i use a pendulum to talk to my guides or what not and asked if anything is physically wrong with me even though i already know... and i keep getting no. any time i ask if its energy or kundalini related i get yes. i am just so lost. this is very scary for me and i was wondering if you could give me some advice. i do not want to get psychotic if this happens. i astral project sometimes... not as much as i used to. but these feelings are so brutal.

thank you robert...