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Thread: i dont even know what to title this thread x_X halp?

  1. i dont even know what to title this thread x_X halp?

    ok so, i'd like to enlist any aid available in deciphering any potential meaning or whathaveyou... the thing is, i'm one of those lunatics that thinks that everything, "real" or "imaginary" or anything between or beyond is essentially connected in one or more ways, and that at the end of the "day" its all the same thing...

    so... i think i might start backwards here, with a short preface. After midnight this morning, I partook in a certain test, of sorts. I then had a dream during the day that befuddles me... i'll share that dream first, then work backwards with anyone who is interested in helping...

    Thanks in advance!


    "a blonde mother and daughter (so familiar?) came to my apartment

    begging to come in and stay/seek shelter. i denied them yet they

    somehow slipped in without my notice. i allowed their presence as i

    was reunited with *her* (currently a beloved ex... i love her in a

    platonic way... fondly). she lost weight and was adorned with more

    expressive items that depicted more than one of her aspects (in contrast to her past modus operandi). i

    noticed these and complimented her, but she may have seemed

    confused. my door came off its hinges revealing our intimate

    moment (i was about to perform a sex act). i went to rehinge the door, but it wouldnt conceal us, but

    that also revealed that the "guests" were entering my mother's

    abandoned (?) room (my biological mother recently sold her house and is on a personal retreat in her homeland overseas. in the dream, i paused to wonder whether my mother's belongings were in the room or if the room had been cleared out completely). i suspected them of stealing her jewelry. i

    asked the mother "whats in your bag?" she clutched it hastily to her

    breast replying "nothing", i responded with "so why are you holding

    it like that?" ... i tried to pry her clutches from the bag and the

    would-be absconded jewelry, commanding her "let go and i'll allow

    you to leave in peace" she refused to let go. i wrested from her the

    bag (and all her posessions?) and again commanded them to leave

    but this time they were to leave with nothing more than their clothes

    lest they incur my (our?) wrath... they were escorted out and driven

    away, each in a different car. one in my brother's car, the other in
    my grandmother's (who resides in my mother's homeland) or my ex's car (not sure who it was, could have been someone else as neither own a car, to my knowledge). i noticed i had a palm-sized infant of

    the thieves in my hand. i wanted to return it as well. not having a car, i

    decided to head out of the apartment to see if i could hail one of the

    drivers to pick up the babe. neither were in sight. i started walking

    to my left... felt as if i was going the wrong way in relation to the two

    cars. i came to a corner and saw my mother coming from the south

    (?). i assumed she had taken a bus. she mentioned a local eatery

    and asked if i would like to join her for chicken sandwiches and i

    forgot about my intention of returning the baby. then i awoke."

    at first glance, this dream may seem as nothing unusual, however, the "test" i had previously performed also (possibly) involved between 1 and 7 figurative mothers. these two events coincide with a series of other eerily coincidental events, which have been occuring at an increasing rate, especially over the past 2 or 3 months... their frequency has seemed to be growing exponentially. i can explain more, but i'd like to hear your opinion on these matters before i go further into detail.

    thanks again!
    Last edited by CFTraveler; 28th April 2014 at 08:57 PM. Reason: Unnecessary detail- please read rules.
    ~Veiled betwixt infinite hidden fractal tapestries

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2013

    Re: i dont even know what to title this thread x_X halp?

    Hi Crux.In.Triptych,
    Here come what I see in your Dream....

    The appearence of your are still very shallow not seeing in depth´s only the Surface.
    The sex-act= Fusion with them male and female aspect of you
    Taking the bag from the mother she is holding it to her heart= Forcing more from your mother than she can give you.
    Palm sized infant= Potential what also can turn in wrong path if not careful...
    Going to the left= This is your past you looking back ...

    Core Affirmation: I am loved and I am worthy,
    I am safe and I am free.
    I am powerfully protected.
    I am master of my body and ruler of my mind.
    By Robert Bruce

  3. Re: i dont even know what to title this thread x_X halp?

    "The appearence of your are still very shallow not seeing in depth´s only the Surface."
    ehhh, i'd argue that i'm not the shallow one, considering the dynamic of our ex-relationship... among many other things. what makes you think that i'm shallow? i can appear shallow, but that's only my surface im a Cancer, after all, hard shell, soft, deep innards. lol.

    "The sex-act= Fusion with them male and female aspect of you"
    well, there was no actual sex act, it was only ABOUT to happen... also, I'm a woman, so... i suppose it would rather be the fusion of two female aspects XD ... but no, im not a lesbian, im just complicated ;p

    "Taking the bag from the mother she is holding it to her heart= Forcing more from your mother than she can give you."
    I don't understand where you get this symbolism. I was protecting my real mother's precious things by reclaiming them from the would-be thief. Also, in my real life, it's actually my mother who is forcing more on me than she can give and more than i want to take =/

    "Palm sized infant= Potential what also can turn in wrong path if not careful..."
    I can agree with you here, but I'm not sure what to do with potential that is not mine... the infant was the theif's baby.

    "Going to the left= This is your past you looking back ..."
    maybe... it felt like the future moreso, but maybe its a repitition of the past. my mom and i were very close, then we started to get on eachothers' nerves, and now were starting to get close again.

    Anyway, thanks for your interpretation!
    Peace of mind through piece of Mind!
    ~Veiled betwixt infinite hidden fractal tapestries

  4. Re: i dont even know what to title this thread x_X halp?

    oh, my post has been censored. wonderful!
    goodbye, fascists!
    may you be confounded imperceptibly ad infinitum.
    Nighty night!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2013

    Re: i dont even know what to title this thread x_X halp?

    Hi Crux.In.Triptych.
    I did only write what I felt, and I am not interpreting it from the gender perspectiv but the energy.
    It is you who know what it might be when Reading what I say, if you do not recognize it to belong to you, then it might
    be still in your unconsiousness and not come to Surface of your personality, but I will not argue with you, take it or leave it
    there is nothing to arguea might also be me mirroring me in I do alwasy Think that what I react to and
    respond to it has to do ecual to me too, otherwise I wouldn´t respond, so thank you for letting me se me more clear

    I do not understand what you mean by being censore??

    I wish you well.

    Core Affirmation: I am loved and I am worthy,
    I am safe and I am free.
    I am powerfully protected.
    I am master of my body and ruler of my mind.
    By Robert Bruce

  6. Re: i dont even know what to title this thread x_X halp?

    if you look at my original post, at the bottom it says "Last edited by CFTraveler; 28th April 2014 at 01:57 PM. Reason: Unnecessary detail- please read rules."

    a moderator felt it necessary to think FOR me and determine what is and what isnt necessary in MY own dream. i didnt know that specifying a sex act in a non-pornographic way was against the rules. the reason i specified which sex act was because it had meaning between my ex and i, and it was different than a normal act of sex, also I believe I used the proper term to describe it. but i guess this moderator doesnt care, he/she would rather misguidedly "protect" readers than to allow free, non-offensive speech. if someone takes offense from someone else's personal life, they need to do some growing up, imho.

    edit: oh and by the way, thank you, ia. i didnt mean to argue, either. just to clear things up
    ~Veiled betwixt infinite hidden fractal tapestries

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2013

    Re: i dont even know what to title this thread x_X halp?

    Quote Originally Posted by Crux.In.Triptych View Post
    if you look at my original post, at the bottom it says "Last edited by CFTraveler; 28th April 2014 at 01:57 PM. Reason: Unnecessary detail- please read rules."

    a moderator felt it necessary to think FOR me and determine what is and what isnt necessary in MY own dream. i didnt know that specifying a sex act in a non-pornographic way was against the rules. the reason i specified which sex act was because it had meaning between my ex and i, and it was different than a normal act of sex, also I believe I used the proper term to describe it. but i guess this moderator doesnt care, he/she would rather misguidedly "protect" readers than to allow free, non-offensive speech. if someone takes offense from someone else's personal life, they need to do some growing up, imho.

    edit: oh and by the way, thank you, ia. i didnt mean to argue, either. just to clear things up
    Hi again
    I am sorry for my lack of Writing in right term´s...what I meant by...not arguing was to further go into like second round
    when you have given a clear picuture from your reality...I do not know what I ought to have said or called it ??
    You know I am born in Finland and grown up from 9 yrs age in Sweden, and not studying so much English at all, I go much
    on my feelings rather than right gramatics, sorry, I know it is often to be missunderstood, my bad .

    Core Affirmation: I am loved and I am worthy,
    I am safe and I am free.
    I am powerfully protected.
    I am master of my body and ruler of my mind.
    By Robert Bruce

  8. Re: i dont even know what to title this thread x_X halp?

    ha! så kul! jag är hälften svensk! min stavning suger, och jag är inte tilräckligt bra med at prata svenska, men kanske det skulle fungera bättre om vi kommunikerade på svenska?
    ~Veiled betwixt infinite hidden fractal tapestries

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Aug 2013

    Re: i dont even know what to title this thread x_X halp?

    Quote Originally Posted by Crux.In.Triptych View Post
    ha! så kul! jag är hälften svensk! min stavning suger, och jag är inte tilräckligt bra med at prata svenska, men kanske det skulle fungera bättre om vi kommunikerade på svenska?
    men va skrattar jag gott här, du skriver bättre svenska än jag engelska.
    Jätte gärna att vi kommunicerar på svenska, men jag måste erkänna att det som är bortom dualiteten kan jag inte heller klä i ord ens på svenska.
    Bor du i Sverige eller utomlands??

    Core Affirmation: I am loved and I am worthy,
    I am safe and I am free.
    I am powerfully protected.
    I am master of my body and ruler of my mind.
    By Robert Bruce

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