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Thread: IA´s Journal

  1. #681
    Join Date
    Aug 2013

    Re: IA´s Journal

    LESSON 360

    "Peace be to me, the holy Son of God.
    Peace to my brother, who is one with me.
    Let all the world be blessed with peace through us."

    "Father, it is Your peace that I would give, receiving it of You. I
    am Your Son, forever just as You created me, for the Great Rays
    remain forever still and undisturbed within me. I would reach to
    them in silence and in certainty, for nowhere else can certainty be
    found. peace be to me, and peace to all the world. In holiness were
    we created, and in holiness do we remain. Your Son is like to You in
    perfect sinlessness. And with this thought we gladly say 'Amen'."

    Core Affirmation: I am loved and I am worthy,
    I am safe and I am free.
    I am powerfully protected.
    I am master of my body and ruler of my mind.
    By Robert Bruce

  2. #682
    Join Date
    Aug 2013

    Re: IA´s Journal

    Quote Originally Posted by susan View Post
    Oh IA, you poor dear. Finding words to say to you is hard as I had 6 years between the death of both parents. Having to handle both so close is dreadful.
    One thing I will say is that from the feelings of loneliness and slight fear and vulnerability as my teachers, mentors, confidants, fixers, helpers had been taken away , in time this made me a stronger person.
    I hope you will find this strength.
    Hi Susan,
    I wanted tell this yesterday but was not able to write so much because of my tears filling my eyes and made me unable to see, but I feel a strong urge to tell you this.

    I do not know how much you know about me and my inner work, but I have bean working intensivly since 1981 after the big beating of me, to understand our humans behavings towards each others.
    Now when my parents are gone, and me being done the work in forgiveness towards them and towards others too off course, my parents did make the last release if I can put it this way, the last release of my sadness to have bean badly treated and healed it away from me....I am so relieved in my inner...I feel light and healed in my inner....I have my body pain that is the same, but I have forgive and I am is hard to explain this feeling in midts of my grief of my loss of my parents, I have now very deep understanding that they have a very deep peace now too..and that it is a two way grief is not giving me any pain but total relief and deep understanding...I was able to work my pain what I feel is caused by my parents and the upbringing with them, I feel now and understand why I had them as my parents...we did this work togeather, not in the physical but, they never told me about them really working with theires inner in the energy level, but now I know, I would not have bean clear and done if they not have done theires part, I feel they did and I am in such a deep awe....and in such a gratitude to feeling their deep gratitude towards me, we did it together...Thank you and Amen. We have given peace to each others, thank you and rest in peace for ever and I am happy you made it too...

    Core Affirmation: I am loved and I am worthy,
    I am safe and I am free.
    I am powerfully protected.
    I am master of my body and ruler of my mind.
    By Robert Bruce

  3. #683
    Join Date
    Aug 2013

    Re: IA´s Journal


    Our final lessons will be left as free of words as possible.We use
    them but at the beginning of our practicing, and only to remind us
    that we seek to go beyond them. Let us turn to Him Who leads the
    way and makes our footsteps sure. To Him we leave these lessons,
    as to Him we give our lives henceforth. For we would not return again
    to the belief in sin that made the world seem ugly and unsafe, attacking
    and destroying, dangerous in all its ways, and treacherous beyond the
    hope of trust and the escape from pain.
    His is the only way to find the peace that God has given us. It is His way
    tht everyone must travel in the end, because it is this ending God Himself
    appointed. In the Dream of time it seems to be far off. And yet, in truth, it is
    already here; already serving us as gracious guidance in the way to go. Let
    us together follow in the way that truth points out to us. And let us be the
    leaders of our many Brothers who are seeking for the way, but find it not.
    And to this purpose let us dedicate our minds, directing all our thoughts to
    serve the function of salvation. Unto us the aim is given to forgive the World.
    It is the goal that God has given us. It is His ending to the Dream we seek,
    and not our own. For all that we forgive we will not fail to recongize as part
    of God Himself. And thus His memory is given back, completely and complete.
    It is our function to remember Him on Earth, as it is given us to be His Own
    completion in rerality. So let us not forget our goal is shared, for it is that
    rememberance which contains the memory of God, and Points the way to Him
    and to the Heaven of His peace. And shall we not forgive our brother, who can
    offer this to us? He is the way, the truth and life that shows the way to us.
    In him resides salvation, offered us through our forgiveness, given unto him.
    We will not end this year without the gift our Father promised to His holy Son.
    We are forgiven now. And we are saved from all that wrath we thought belongs
    to God, and found it was a dream.
    We are restored to sanity, in which we understand that anger is insane, attack
    is mad, and vengeance merely foolish fantasy. We have been saved from wrath
    because we learned we were mistaken.
    Nothing more than that. And is a father angry at his son because he failed to
    understand the truth?
    We come in honesty to God and say we did not understand, and ask Him to help
    us to learn His lessons, through the Voice of His Own Teacher. Would He hurt His Son?
    Or would He rush to answer him, and say, "This is my Son, and all I have is his?" Be
    certain He will answer thus, for these are His Own Words to you.
    And more than that can no one ever have, for in the Words is all there is, and all that
    there will be throughout all time and in eternity.

    LESSONS 361 - 365

    "This holy instant would I give to You.
    Be You in change. For I would follow You.
    Certain that Your direction give me peace."

    And I need a word to help me. He will give it to me. If I need a
    thought, that will He also give. And if I need but stillness and a
    tranquil, open mind, these are the gifts I will receive of Him. He is in
    charge by my request. And He will hear and answer me, because He
    speaks for God my Father and His holy Son.


    This course is a beginning, not an end. Your Friend goes with you.
    You are not alone. No one who calls on Him can call in vain.
    Whatever troubles you, be certain that He has answer, and will
    gladly give it to you, if you simply turn to Him and ask it of Him.
    He will not withhold all answers that you need for anything that
    seems to trouble you. He knows the way to solve all problems, and
    resolve all doubts. His certainty is yours. You need but ask it of Him,
    and it will be given you.
    You are as certain of arriving home as is the pathway of the sun
    laid down Before it rises, after it has set, and in the half-lit hours in
    between. Indeed, your pathway is more certain still. For it can not
    be possible to change the course of those whom God has called to
    Him. Therefore obey your will, and follow Him Whom you accepted
    as your voice, to speak of what you really want and really need.
    His is the Voice for God and also yours. And thus He speaks of
    freedom and of truth.
    No more specific lessons aree assigned, for there is no more need of
    them. Henceforth, hear but the Voice of God and for your Self when
    you retire from the world, to seek reality instead. He will direct your
    efforts, telling you exactly what to do, how to direct your mind, and
    when to come to Him in silence, asking for His sure directions and
    His certain Word. His is the Word that God has given you. His is the
    Word you chose to be your own.
    And now I place you in His hands, to be His faithful followers, with Him
    as Guide through every difficutly and all pain that you may think is real.
    Nor will He give you pleasures that will pass away, for He gives only the
    eternal and the good. Let Him prepare your further. He has earned your
    trust by speaking daily to you of your Father and your brother and your Self.
    He will continue. Now you walk with Him, as certain as is He of where you go;
    as sure as He of how you should proceed; as confident as He is of the goal,
    and of your safe arrival in the end.
    The end is certain, and the means as well. To this we say "Amen."
    You will be told exactly what God wills for you each time there is a choice to make.
    And He will speak for God and for your Self, thus making sure that hell will claim you
    not, and that each choice you make brings Heaven nearer to your reach. And so we
    walk with Him from this time on, and turn to Him for guidance and for peace and sure
    direction. Joy attends our way. For we go homeward to an open door which God has
    held unclosed to welcome us.
    We trust our ways to Him and say "Amen."
    In peace we will continue in His way, and trust all things to Him. In confidence we wait
    His answers, as we ask His Will in everything we do. He loves God´s Son as we would
    love him. And He teaches us how to behold him through His eyes, and love him as He does.
    You do not walk alone. God´s angels hover near and all about. His Love surrounds you,
    and of this be sure; that I will never leave you comfotless.

    In this book there are a manual for teachers, is there any interest for it, if there is, then I will continue to write it here too.

    Core Affirmation: I am loved and I am worthy,
    I am safe and I am free.
    I am powerfully protected.
    I am master of my body and ruler of my mind.
    By Robert Bruce

  4. #684
    Join Date
    Feb 2016
    Where the Bluegrass kisses the Mts.

    Re: IA´s Journal


    Please do very interesting.
    Of the end the beginning•In the beginning Our Self.

    "I can tell you,when people cling to bitterness,there is nothing you can do about it,because it's how they define their power.If he [they] can learn to get power from joy, good-" ~ CFTraveler

    "Kundalini is known by many names through different cultures, including The Cosmic Christ.
    I think there is only one mechanism built into all humans, but it has been given many names and interpretations." ~ Robert Bruce

  5. #685
    Join Date
    Aug 2013

    Re: IA´s Journal



    The role of teaching and learning is actually reversed in the
    thinking of the world. The reversal is characteristic. It seems as if the
    teacher and the learner are separated, the teacher giving something to
    the learner rather than to himself. Further, the act of teaching is
    regarded as a special activity, in which one engages only a relatively
    small proportion of one´s time. The course, on the other hand , empasizes
    that to teach is to learn, so that teacher and learner are the same. It also
    emhpasizes that teaching is a constant process; it goes on every moment
    of the day, and continues into sleeping thoughts as well.
    To teach is to demonstrate. There are only two thought systems, and you
    demonstrate that you believe one or the other is true all the time. From your
    demonstration others learn, and so do you. The question is not whether you
    will teach, for in that there is no choice. The purpose of the course might be said
    to provide you with a means of choosing what you want to teach on the basis of
    what you want to learn. You cannot give to someone else, but only to yourself, and
    this you learn through teaching. Teaching is but a call to witnesses to attest to what
    you believe. It is a method of conversion. This is not done by words alone. Any
    situation must be to a chance to teach others what you are, and what they are to
    you. No more than that, but also never less.
    The curriculum you set up is therefore determined exclusively by what you think
    you are, and what you believe the relationship of others is to you. In the formal
    teaching situation, the questions may be totally unrelated to what you think you
    are teaching. Yet it is impossible not to use the content of any situation on behalf
    of what you really teach, and therefore really learn. To this the verbal content of
    your teaching is quite irrelevant. It may concider with it, or it may not. It is the
    teaching underlying what you say that teaches you. Teaching but reinforces what
    you believe about yourself. Its fundamental purpose is to diminish self doubt. This
    does not mean that the self you are trying to protect is real. But it does mean that
    the self you think is real is what you teach.
    This is inevitable. There is no escape from it. How could it be otherwise? Everyone
    who follows the world´s curriculum, and everyone here does follow it until he changes
    his mind, teaches solely to convince himself that he is what he is not. Herein is the
    purpose of the world. What else, then, would its curriculum be? Into this hopless and
    closed learning situation, which teaches nothing but despair and death. God sends
    His teachers. And as they teach His lessons of joy and hope, their learning finally
    becomes complete. Except for God´s teachers there would be little hope of salvation,
    for the world of sin would seem forever real. The self-deceiving must deceive, for they
    must teach deception. And what else is hell? This is a manual for the teachers of God.
    They are not perfect, or they would not be here. Yet it is their mission to become perfect
    here, and so they teach perfection over and over, in many, many ways, until they have
    learned it. And then they are seen no more, although their thoughts remain a source of
    strength and truth forever. Who are they? How are they chosen? What do they do? How
    can they work out their own salvation and the salvation of the world? This manual attempts
    to answer these questions.

    Core Affirmation: I am loved and I am worthy,
    I am safe and I am free.
    I am powerfully protected.
    I am master of my body and ruler of my mind.
    By Robert Bruce

  6. #686
    Join Date
    Aug 2013

    Re: IA´s Journal


    A teacher of God is anyone who chooses to be one. His
    qualifications consist solely in this; somehow, somewhere he has
    made a deliberate choice in which he did not see his interests as apart
    from someone else´s. Once he has done that, his road is established
    and his directions is sure. A light has entered the darkness. it may be a
    single light, but that is enough. He has entered an agreement with God
    even if he does not yet believe in Him. He has become a bringer of
    salvation. He has become a teachewr of God.
    They come from all over the world. They come from all religions and from
    no religion. They are the ones who have answered. The Call is universal.
    It goes on all the time everywhere. It calls for teachers to speak for It and
    redeem the world. Many hear It, but few will answer. Yet it is all a matter
    of time. Everyone will answer in the end, but the end can be a long, long
    way off. It is because of this that the plan of the teachers was established.
    Their function is to save time. Each one begins as a single light, but with
    the Call at its center it is a light that cannot be limited. And each one saves
    a thousand years of time as the world judges it. To the Call Itself time has
    no meaning.
    There is a course for every teacher of God. The form of the course varies
    greatly. So do the particular teaching aids involved. But the content of the
    course never changes. Its central theme is always, "God´s Son is guiltless,
    and in his innocence is his salvation." It can be taught by actions or thoughts;
    in words or soundlessly; in any language or in no language; in any place or
    time or manner. It does not matter who the teacher was before he heard the
    Call. He has become a savior by his answering. He has seen someone else as
    himself. He has therefore found his own salvation and the salvation of the world.
    In his rebirth is the world reborn.
    This is a manual for a special curriculum, intended for teachers of a special form
    of the universal course. There are many thousands of other forms, all with the same
    outcome. They merely save time. Yet it is time alone that winds on wearily, and the
    world is very tired now. It is old and worn and without hope. There was never a question
    of outcome, for what can change the Will of God? But time, with its illusions of change
    and death, wears out the world and all things in it. Yet time has an ending, and it is this
    that the teachers of God are appointed to bring about. For time is in their hands. Such
    was their choice, and it is given them.

    Core Affirmation: I am loved and I am worthy,
    I am safe and I am free.
    I am powerfully protected.
    I am master of my body and ruler of my mind.
    By Robert Bruce

  7. #687
    Join Date
    Aug 2013

    Re: IA´s Journal


    Certain pupils have been assigned to each of God´s teachers, and
    they will begin to look for him as soon as he has answered the Call.
    They were chosen for him because the form of the universal curriculum
    that he will teach is best for them in view of their level of understanding.
    His pupils have been waiting for him, for his coming is certain. Again, it
    is only a matter of time. Once he has chosen to fulfill his role, they are
    ready to fulfill theirs. Time waits on his choice, but not on whom he will
    serve: When he is ready to learn, the opportunities to teach will be
    provided for him.
    In order to understand the teaching-learning plan of salvation, it is
    necessary to grasp the concept of time that the course sets forth.
    Atonement corrects illusions, not truth. Therefore, it corrects what
    never was. Further, the plan for this correction was established and
    completed simultaneously, for the Will of God is entirely apart from
    time. So is all reality, being of Him. The instant the idea of separation
    entered the mind of God´s Son, in that same instant was God´s
    Answer given. In time this happened very long ago. In reality it never
    happened at all.
    The world of time is the world of illusion. What happened long ago
    seems to be happening now. Choices made long since appear to be
    öpen; yet to be made. What has been learned and understood and long
    ago passed by is looked upon as a new thought, a fresh idea, a different
    approach. Because your will is free you can accept what has already
    happened at any time you choose, and only then will your realize that it
    was always there. As the course emphasizes, you are not free to choose
    the curriculum, or even the form in which you will learn it. You are free,
    however, to decide when you want to learn it. And as you accept it, it is
    already learned.
    Time really, then, goes backward to an instant so ancient that it is beyond
    all memory, and past even the possibillity of remembering. Yet because it
    is an instant that is relived again and again and still again, it seems to be now.
    And thus it is that pupil and teacher seem to come together in the present,
    finding each other as if they had not met before. The pupil comes at the right
    time to the right place. This is inevitable, because he made the right choice in
    that ancient instant which he now relives. So has the teacher, too, made an
    inevitable choice in that ancient instant which he now relieves. So has the
    teacher, too, made an inevitable choice out of an ancient past. God´s Will
    in everything but seems to take time in the working-out. What could delay
    the power of eternity?
    When pupil and teacher come together, a teaching-learning situation begins.
    For the teacher is not really the one who does the teaching. God´s Teacher
    speak to any two who join together for learning purposes. The relationship
    is holy because of that purpose, and God has promised to send His Spirit
    into any holy relationship. In the teaching-learning situation, each one learns
    that giving and receiving are the same. The demarcations they have drawn
    between their roles, the minds, their bodies, their needs, their interests, and
    all the differences they thought separated them from one another, fade and grow
    dim an disappear. Those who would learn the same course share one interest
    and one goal. And thus he who was the learner becomes a teacher of God himself,
    for he has made the one decision that gave his teacher to him. He has seen in
    another person the same interests as his own.


    Core Affirmation: I am loved and I am worthy,
    I am safe and I am free.
    I am powerfully protected.
    I am master of my body and ruler of my mind.
    By Robert Bruce

  8. #688
    Join Date
    Aug 2013

    Re: IA´s Journal


    The teachers of God have not set teaching level. Each teaching-learning
    situation involves a different relationship at the beginning, although the
    ultimate goal is Always the same; to make of the relationship a holy
    relationship, in which both can look upon the Son of God as sinless.
    There is no one from whom a teacher of God cannot learn, so there is
    no one whom he cannot teach. However, from a practical point of view
    he cannot meet everyone, nor can everyone find him. Therefore, the plan
    includes very specific contacts to be made for each teacher of God. There
    are no accidents in salvation. Those who are to meet will meet, because
    together they have the potential for a holy relationship. They are ready for
    each other.
    The simplest level of teaching appears to be quite superficial. It consists of
    what seem to be very casual encounters; a "chance" meeting of two apparent
    strangers in a elevator, a child who is not looking where he is going running
    into a adult "by chance," two students "happening" to walk home together.
    These are not chance encounters. Each of them has the potnetial for becoming
    a teaching-learning situation. Perhaps the seeming stranges in the elevator will
    smile to one Another; perhaps the adult will not scold the child for bumping into
    him; perhpas the student will become friends. Even at the level of the most casual
    encounter, it is possible for two people to lose sight of separate interest, if only for
    a moment. That moment will be enough. Salvation has come.
    It is difficult to understand that levels of teaching the universal course is a concept
    as meaningless in reality as is time. The illusion of one permits the illusion of the other.
    In time, the teacher of God seems to begin to change his mind about the World with a
    single decision, and then learns more and more about the new direction as he teaches it.
    We have covered the illusion of time already, but the illusion of levels of teaching seems
    to be something different. Perhaps the best way to demonstrate that these levels cannot
    exist is simply to say that any level of the teaching-learning situation is part of God´s
    plan for Atonement, and His plan can have no levels, being a reflection of His Will.
    Salvation is already ready and always there. God´s teachers work at different levels, but
    the result is always the same.
    Each teaching-learning situation is maximal in the sense that each person involves will
    learn the most that he can from the other person at that time. In this sense, and in this
    sense only, we can speak of levels of teaching. Using the term in his way, the second
    level of teaching is a more sustained relationship, in which, for a time, two people enter
    into a fairly intense teaching-learning situation and then appear to separate. As with the
    first level, these meetings are not accidental, nor is what appears to be the end of the
    relationship a real end. Again, each has learned the most he can at the time. Yet alll who
    meet will someday meet again, for it is the destiny of all relationships to become holy.
    God is not mistaken in His Son.
    The third level of teaching occurs in realtionships which, once they are formed, are lifelong.
    These are teaching-learning situations in which each person a given a chosen learning
    partner who presents him with unlimited opportunities for learning. These relationships are
    generally few, because their existence implies that those involved have reached a stage
    simultaneoulsy in which the teaching-learning balance is actually perfect. This does not mean
    that they necessarily recongnize this; in fact, they generally do not. They may even be quite
    hostile to each other for some time, and perhaps for life. Yet should they decide to learn it,
    the perfect lesson is Before them and can be learned. And if they decide to learn that lesson,
    they become the saviors of the teachers who falter and may even seem to fail. No teacher
    of God can fail to find the Help he needs.

    Core Affirmation: I am loved and I am worthy,
    I am safe and I am free.
    I am powerfully protected.
    I am master of my body and ruler of my mind.
    By Robert Bruce

  9. #689
    Join Date
    Aug 2013

    Re: IA´s Journal


    The surface traits of God´s teachers are not at all alike. They do not
    look alike to the body´s eyes, they come from vastly different backgrounds,
    their experiences of the world vary greatly, and their superficial "personalities"
    are quite distinct. Nor, at the beginning stages of their functioning as teachers
    of God, have they as yet acquired the deeper characteristics that will establish
    them as what they are. God gives special gifts to His teachers, because they
    have a special role in his plan for Atonement. Their specialness is, of course,
    only temporary; set in time as a means of leading out of time. These special
    gifts, born in the holy relationship toward which the teaching-learning situation
    is geared, become characteristic of all teachers of God who have advanced
    in their own learning. In this respect they are all alike.
    All differences among the Sons of God are temporary. Nevertheless, in time
    it can be said that the advanced teachers of God have the following chracteristics:

    1 TRUST

    This is the foundation on which their ability to fulfill their function rests. Perception
    is the result of learning. In fact, perception is learning, because cause and effect are
    never spearated. The teachers of God have trust in the world, because they have
    learned it is not governed by the laws the world made up. It is governed by a Power
    That is in them but not of them. It is this Power That keeps all things safe. It is through
    this Power that the teachers of God look on a forgiven world.
    When this Power has once been experienced, it is impossible to trust one´s own petty
    strength again. Who would attempt to fly with the tiny wings of a sparrow when the mighty
    power of an eagle has been given him? And who would place his faith in the shabby offerings
    of the ego when the gifts of God are laid before him? What is it that induces them to make the shift?

    Core Affirmation: I am loved and I am worthy,
    I am safe and I am free.
    I am powerfully protected.
    I am master of my body and ruler of my mind.
    By Robert Bruce

  10. #690
    Join Date
    Aug 2013

    Re: IA´s Journal

    Development of trust

    First, they must go through what might be called "a period of undoing."
    This need not be painful, but it usually is so experienced It seems as if
    things are being taken away, and it is rarely understood initially that
    their lack of value is merely being recognized. How can lack of value be
    perceived unless the perceiver is in a position where he must see things
    in a different light? He is not yet a point at which he can make the shift
    entirely internally. And so the plan will sometimes call for changes in
    seem to be external circumstances. These changes are always helpful.
    When the teacher of God has learned that much, he goes on to the
    second stage.
    Next, the teacher of God must go through "a period of sorting out-" This
    is always somewhat difficult because, having learned that the changes
    in his life are always helpful, he must now decide all things on the basis
    of whether they increase the helpfulness or hamper it. He will find that
    many, if not most of the things he valued before will merely hinder his
    ability to transfer what he has learned to new situations as they arise.
    Because he has valued what is really valueless, he will not generalize
    the lesson for fear of loss and sacrifice. It takes great learning to
    understand that all things, events, encounters and circumstances are
    helpful. It is only to the extent to which they are helpful that any degree
    of reality should be accorded them in this world of illusion. The word "value"
    can apply to nothing else.
    The third stage through which the teacher of God must go can be called
    "a period of relinquishment." If this is interpreted as giving up the desirable,
    it will engender enormous conflict. Few teachers of God escape this distress
    entirely. There is, however, no point in sorting out the valuable from the
    valueless unless the next obvious step taken. Therefore, the period of overlap
    is apt to be one in which the teacher of God feels called upon to sacrifice his
    own best interests of behalf of truth. He has not realized as yet how wholly
    impossible such a demand would be. He can learn this only as he actually
    does give up the valueless. Through this, he learns that where he anticipated
    grief, he finds a happy lightheartedness instead; where he thought sometimes
    was asked of him, he finds a gift bestowed on him.
    Now comes "a period of settling down." This is a quiet time, in which the teacher
    of God rests a while in reasonable peace. Now he consolidates his learning. Now
    he begins to see the transfer value of what he has learned. Its potential is literally
    staggering, and the teacher of God is now at the point in his progress at which he
    sees in it his whole way out. "Give up what you do not want, and keep what you do."
    How simple is the obvious! And how easy to do! The teacher of God needs this
    period of respite. He has not yet come as far as he thinks. Yet when he is ready
    to go on, he goes with mighty companions beside him. Now he rests a while, and
    gathers them before going on. He will not go on from here alone.
    The next stage is indeed "a period of unsettling." Now must the teacher of God
    understand that he did not really know what was valuable and what was valueless.
    All that he really learned so far was that he did not want the valueless, and that
    he did want the valuable. Yet his own sorting out was meaningless in teaching
    him the difference. The idea of sacrifice, so central to his own thought system,
    had made it impossible for him to judge. He thought he learned willingness,
    but now he sees that he does not know what the willingness is for. And now
    he must attain a state that may remain impossible to reach for a long, long time.
    He must learn to lay all judgment aside, and ask only what he really wants in every
    circumstance. Were not each step in this direction so heavily reinforced, it would
    be hared indeed!
    And finally, there is "a period of achievement." It is here that learning is consolidated.
    Now what was seen as merely shadows before become solid gains, to be counted
    on in all "emergencies" as well as tranquil times. Indeed, the tranquility is their result;
    the outcome of honest learning, consistency of thought and full transfer. This is the
    stage of real peace, for here is Heaven´s state fully reflected. From here, the way
    to Heaven is open and easy. In fact, it is here. Who would "go" anywhere, if peace
    of mind is already complete? And who would seek to change tranquility for something
    more desirable? What could be more desirable than this?

    Core Affirmation: I am loved and I am worthy,
    I am safe and I am free.
    I am powerfully protected.
    I am master of my body and ruler of my mind.
    By Robert Bruce

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