
I'm at a theater watching some kind of play. I think I'm involved with the production somehow, as though it's a school play. An old high school friend, J, needs a ride home every night. He is involved in the play. I give him a ride but am very upset, because it's a long drive and now I'm gone from 8-5 every day because of the commute. I yell and complain about it to my wife.


Maybe a continuation of the previous dream...? I'm giving a friend, D, a ride. She's crying and complaining about her marriage I think? Oddly, she seems to be in the driver's seat, even though I'm the one giving her a ride.


Maybe a continuation of the previous dream... I'm working at a prison or county jail. Another officer comes to me and says something is wrong with her patrol car. The top is slightly dented like a trashcan lid, but it looks okay otherwise. There's a tornado warning, we go inside and down into the empty jail cell for safety. A girl's swim team comes back to the station. I tell them about the tornado warning and that they need to come down. They object, looking at the sunshine outside. But soon enough, the sky darkens and we hear sirens, so they come down.